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Bigger map

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Keven Stewart

Well-known member

Pretty straight forward, it'd be nice to have the map enlarged like so, when enabled in the F2 "settings". Sc from another server, but something like this or similar would be nice as an addition if some people wanted to have it on. 

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I thought you could enable this in the default settings? At least on GTA Online you can. I tried it but i didn't like it cos i missed out info like how many miles away a GPS marker was.

Not sure if this setting works on the RPUK FiveM tho, Haven't tried it tbh.


I thought you could enable this in the default settings? At least on GTA Online you can. I tried it but i didn't like it cos i missed out info like how many miles away a GPS marker was.

Not sure if this setting works on the RPUK FiveM tho, Haven't tried it tbh.

View attachment 14982
yeah tried it now but didn't change anything 

This has been looked into however we are changing the overall ui design 🙂

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