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[BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

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Please can no other UGN member post in this thread. Although your point is valid Krawly and would help prove he did not combat log. If this is the case did he have his gear when he logged back in?

Please stay out Boris. It's a report that does not involve you. You have not been reported. Stop trying to antagonize us. Read the rules on reporting threads. No UGN member was actually banned.

Redpath I did not RDM anyone as can be clearly seen in the video. I never had a gun. This is about you combat logging not you being rdmed. If you wish to complain about that then make a separate post with evidence.
I had no gear when I logged in, nor did I intent to switch my computer off to try to save my gear. I do not tend to record whilst I am shopping at the black market....

So please show the footage of you shooting me. If you do not have any recording of you shooting me, take my name out of this thread. You should really only shoot someone if they oppose as a threat to you, or if they are not following simple instructions and are messing about. I was simply buying some things in the black market and you guys shot me.

Like I said, show recording of you or whoever killed me, if you don't have any then simply remove my name from this thread


When you killed me, I raged and just turned my computer off for the night as it was getting late anyway :)
You have admitted to combat logging. That is all I reported you for. I have provided evidence of it and you have confessed. You do not need to say anymore on the matter as you have admitted to the crime and I am sure will be dealt with in due course. 

I had no gear when I logged in, nor did I intent to switch my computer off to try to save my gear. I do not tend to record whilst I am shopping at the black market....

So please show the footage of you shooting me. If you do not have any recording of you shooting me, take my name out of this thread. You should really only shoot someone if they oppose as a threat to you, or if they are not following simple instructions and are messing about. I was simply buying some things in the black market and you guys shot me.

Like I said, show recording of you or whoever killed me, if you don't have any then simply remove my name from this thread

It is not for me to prove you were not RDMed, it is for you to do so in your defense. Again, if you wish to complain about RDM then please create a separate report thread as this is about you combat logging not being RDMed. If you feel you have been RDMed, get some evidence and make a case, if not, keep it out of this thread please.

I'm really not the person to start arguing over a forum about something so petty. So I apologise if I "combat logged" I had no intention whatsoever to try and save my gear. I was annoyed and went off for the night. I did not have any gear saved

Also, after looking at the video, only me and redpath dc'ed before the 30 sec mark.

Also, after looking at the video, only me and redpath dc'ed before the 30 sec mark.
I stand by my initial post with these time stamps. Please correct me if I am wrong and please post down the time stamps you see but having checked it 3 times I cannot see any difference.

[Gc] Redpath Dies - 1.32 - 1.50 Logs Out (Disconnects 18 seconds after dying)
[bG] Spenno Dies - 2.07 - 2.29 Logs Out (Disconnects 22 Seconds after dying)
[bG] Omligon Dies - 2.20 - 2.24 Logs Out (Disconnects 4 Seconds after dying)
[bG] Vincenzo Dies - 2.29 - 2.44 Logs Out (Disconnects 15 Seconds after dying)
Denied - 31/01/15

This is all one huge cluster fuck where I can't tell what really happened anymore.

From my point of view and from as far as I understood this situation there was fail RP from both sides wich led to unneeded drama.

I will not issue a ban here BUT an official warning: Next time something like this happens it will definetly end in a ban.

Maybe it was a Bluescreen or maybe not and maybe this was all fail RP or not. 
I don't even know anymore.
For now I give you the benefit of doubt.

Next time this will not be the case and I'll issue a ban faster than you can even think about it.

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