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[BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[bG] Spenno (Fail RP, Combat/Gear Log),
[bG] Omligon (RDM, Combat /Gear Log),
[Gc] Redpath (Combat/Gear Log),
[bG] Vincenzo (Combat/Gear Log)
Time & Date this happened: 21:10 - 21:15 (UK Time) 28/01/15
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened:
I went to the black market. Upon turning up I saw 2 choppers all with armed men inside, one had the Gc emblem on it which then crashed and broke his blade. Knowing Gc were there and are our enemy I took caution and did not take any money out but just pretended to be doing stuff with the seller. I was then asked how I was doing by [bG] Spenno to which I replied. About 15 seconds later he just randomly tells me to put my hands in the air. Some awful role play then follows from Spenno. Apparently takes my coms and puts a gag in my mouth whilst constantly holding a gun and not making me drop anything. Spenno then robs me at which point my gang mate Panda who was watching/listening to the whole encounter comes to my aid. [bG] Omligon then kills me for no reason as soon as one of their men is killed even though I have complied 100% with all their demands, do exactly what they say (even though their role play was non existent) and I was no threat at all as I had no weapons. Robbert comes in to help Panda and all [Gc] and [bG] are killed by Panda and Robbert. Four out of the six that die disconnect rather rapidly (before respawn timer) after dying to stop us having their weapons which is combat/gear logging. My Respawn timer was 30 seconds long just for reference purposes. 
[Gc] Redpath Dies - 1.32 - 1.50 Logs Out (Disconnects 18 seconds after dying)
[bG] Spenno Dies - 2.07 - 2.29 Logs Out (Disconnects 22 Seconds after dying)
[bG] Omligon Dies - 2.20 - 2.24 Logs Out (Disconnects 4 Seconds after dying)
[bG] Vincenzo Dies - 2.29 - 2.44 Logs Out (Disconnects 15 Seconds after dying)
What Rule Was Broken?:
1B) Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit.
RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious role play community therefore shooting people on sight with no role play is RDM, engage in role play at all times
RDM (I complied with all their demands, I was no threat),
Combat/Gear logging (They logged out to stop us stealing their weapons),
Meta Gaming (Identified I was UGN and decided to abuse me, harder to prove but the fail RP should help show this),
Fail RP (hardly any interaction yet they gagged me and took all my coms? Never told me why I had to put my hands in the air. Extremely poor.)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
I would ask that as per reporting player post rules that ONLY those being reported and reporter comment/reply.
First off, we took your comms to which you put no attention to and continued talking to your teammates which already break what you said before about RP'ing properly. Second of all, when i died i re-spawned and logged off straight away but at no moment did i combat log and i am sticking with this. You were complying with our demands but you were intentionally being awkward and not listening at some points to waste time so before you accuse about bad/broken RP you might want to look back at what your performance was like buddy.

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First off, we took your comms to which you put no attention to and continued talking to your teammates which already break what you said before about RP'ing properly. Second of all, when i died i re-spawned and logged off straight away but at no moment did i combat log and i am sticking with this. You were complying with our demands but you were intentionally being awkward and not listening at some points to waste time so before you accuse about bad/broken RP you might want to look back at what your performance was like buddy.

unintentionaly duplicate^^

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Lets brake the video down then shall we in terms of what happened with me and role play. Sorry for the long reply but it is needed so you can see what the video shows.

You state in your post I am intentionally being awkward. I am told to put my hands up by a group of armed men. I know my friends are close and can give me aid. I course in terms of my character he will try and get a bit more time for his rescuers to get in position. However, at no time am I not complying with you nor am I doing anything that is not allowed and I listen to everything you say and comply with it when carried out correctly. If you had role played properly maybe this would have gone a different way.

0.38 – Spenno told me put my hands in the air which I do straight away.

  1. 0.44 – Ask why you want me to put my hands in the air. Notice how I don't say I am being robbed or anything else. Everything I say you can hear. Which my gang can also hear. Panda was close by so he could hear it via direct talk and my radio is active.

    0.49 – You tell me I can get down on the ground if I want to instead.
  1. 0.50 - Me “I am just curious as to why you want me to put my hands in the air”. Again my gang can hear this as well as Panda

    0.53 - Spenno states he has taken my communication equipement away from me. Please note. He is holding a gun in two hands and is about 6 - 8 foot in front of me. I cannot see how he can take comms off me at that distance with two full hands. I am not told to drop anything or anything like that, thus it is impossible for Spenno to have taken said communication equipment away. Therefore my mic/earpiece is still on me.

    0.57 - I clearly state that you have not taken anything off me as you have not interacted with me. You would need to be stood next to me with empty hands to actually take something off me. Again, let me remind you that my mic/earpiece is still therefore active and that Panda is still able to hear everything because he is close by.

    1.02 - Spenno walk and says he has gagged me so shut the hell up. I comply with this one for role play sake (not that there was any) just for arguments sake. Again, I stated at 0.53 I still had my comms as you had failed to take them off me so what I said still went through my radio. Again, Panda could hear everything as he was close by.

    1.06 – Spenno says I cannot talk due to the gag. Again, Panda is close by so can hear what you are doing to me.

    1.13 – I try to speak but am unable to due to gag (playing along with roleplay). Hence the Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    1.19 – I get robbed

    1.23 – I am asked over my comms if you can be shot. I go uhuh. Again, you failed to take my comms as stated above so I they heard that. Even if gagged with tape or a sock in my mouth you can still make mumbling noises. Try it. Notice I never say words.

    1.25 – I die.

    1.40 – I say I am dead. Which is also common knowledge as it shows up on the side panel.

    1.43 – I state Panda is killing them. Which he is as shown on side panel.

These are the times I speak. The other voices you hear are the other team members communicating. When dead I do not give any information apart from stating combat log and a disconnect and Panda has killed them. All information that is readily available.

If you had actually taken my comms I would have muted my mic/earpiece.

In reference to the combat log I posted it as mine was 30 seconds. So I was extremely surprised that you all had much smaller re spawn times, hence why I have brought it to the attention of the admins as I believe that a 4 second cool down is false and is indeed an attempt to save gear.

Please do point out if I have missed anything out and I will gladly discuss further.  

i cannot say what happened to Red, nor can i see my fellow clanmates combatlog.

Me on the other hand, i had abluescreen and did not have any chanse of getng back on. 

And i see no RDM.

Now ill not say anything else. 

Nor will my clanmates, and we will wait for an admin.

If he wishes to ban ME, and Red for combatlogging, i can see why.

I got no proof that can say that i did bluescreen.

BUT, You have NO proof of my clanmates combatlogging?

The RDM is in reference to you killing me even though I complied 100%. I was no threat nor was I non-compliant so therefore what was the reason to kill me? There was no way to know the person shooting you was with me. He could have just been a random psychopath. 

Now ill not say anything else. 

Nor will my clanmates, and we will wait for an admin.

If he wishes to ban ME, and Red for combatlogging, i can see why.

I got no proof that can say that i did bluescreen.

BUT, You have NO proof of my clanmates combatlogging?
The only proof I have is the quickness of the disconnects as the times stated in my original post. If you were to log out correctly you have a minimum of 12 seconds to do so. You can see in the video the names being killed and then you can count the time before they disconnect from the side chat messages. Hence why 4 have been reported rather than 6 that died as 2 people from the firefight do not appear to combat log.

First you hit re spawn - 1 Second?

You choose a place to spawn - 1 Second?

Then you wait the 10 seconds for the abort count down timer. 

So that is 12 seconds lets say for arguments sake. So that means all your re spawn timers were LESS than 10 seconds long? Hard to believe TBH especially since mine was 30 seconds long. You are yet to provide any form of evidence from your side that they did not combat log. All you are giving is your opinion that you don't think they would combat log. If its true then its true and there is nothing that I can do about it and its a simple misunderstanding, however, I do not believe that to be the case hence the report

I can understand one blue screen possibly if you had come back on and sent a phone message saying so, but 4 people from the SAME firefight all logging out so quickly, I cannot sorry, hence the report. 

and as i stated before, witch hunt, ive had funny short timers before as im sure other people who have died in the game have as well.

ive personally had timers being less than 15 seconds.

1 blue screen from omligon which does happen, some peoples games can bug out on death - example

the rest dc as soon as they respawn... not as difficult to believe as you are intentionally trying to make it

and as i stated before, witch hunt, ive had funny short timers before as im sure other people who have died in the game have as well.

ive personally had timers being less than 15 seconds.

1 blue screen from omligon which does happen, some peoples games can bug out on death - example

the rest dc as soon as they respawn... not as difficult to believe as you are intentionally trying to make it
Sorry have I reported you or are you the reporter? No. Please don't come in here stating false claims about a witch hunt when I am clearly just reporting people I believe have broken the rules. I feel you have only posted to try and create an argument. Please don't post again as you are breaking the reporter rules by posting in this thread. 

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

This is hilarious. An entire gang gets wiped out and you all suddenly decided to go to bed while the other half happen to have a BSOD right after you die? Fucking lol.

Add [bG] Aiden to the combat logging list. You see him appear at 1:17 and disconnect at 2:41 once his friends have died.


@BGAiden Apologies, I watched it back and saw you were one of the first to die. I had previously not seen you die.

Please do not comment unless you are part of UGN or BG thank you!
I was commenting trying to contribute with the video evidence. This is not a UGN vs BG issue, this is a reporter vs reported issue, to which I was trying to contribute evidence.

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This is hilarious. An entire gang gets wiped out and you all suddenly decided to go to bed while the other half happen to have a BSOD right after you die? Fucking lol.

Add [bG] Aiden to the combat logging list. You see him appear at 1:17 and disconnect at 2:41 once his friends have died.
Please do not bring me into this just because I logged on and then off while this was happening. I came online to see what was going on with the gang and at the time I was wondering around Kavala solo which I often find quite boring therefore I logged off virtually a minute after. The gang had told me after that the fact that we were going to do a HM later so I thought oh ok I'll log on later then and do some work while virtually nobody is on. Please do not comment unless you are part of UGN or BG thank you!

This is hilarious. An entire gang gets wiped out and you all suddenly decided to go to bed while the other half happen to have a BSOD right after you die? Fucking lol.

Add [bG] Aiden to the combat logging list. You see him appear at 1:17 and disconnect at 2:41 once his friends have died.


@BGAiden Apologies, I watched it back and saw you were one of the first to die. I had previously not seen you die.

I was commenting trying to contribute with the video evidence. This is not a UGN vs BG issue, this is a reporter vs reported issue, to which I was trying to contribute evidence.
It's ok man mistakes happen, I hope to see you around the island soon and I apologise for having a go at you about the UGN vs BG issue :D

Pop when 1 of your guys gets banned it doesn't mean that you have to try and ruin the game for others. especially when it doesn't effect your game play so much.

@[bG] omligon.

You claim your computer Blue Screened, that's fine - but can you prove it? There will be an event in the event viewer on your computer with a timestamp to prove this happened. Can you please post a screenshot?

You basically RDM'ed me, I was at the black market buying gear, whilst BG was there, you then shot me for no apparent reason when I was behind the building looking through the little window buying gear. Don't even bother saying "I was in the line of fire" because you know god damn well right I wasn't because I opposed no threat to you and your fellow members as I had my gun on my back. When you killed me, I raged and just turned my computer off for the night as it was getting late anyway :)

You basically RDM'ed me, I was at the black market buying gear, whilst BG was there, you then shot me for no apparent reason when I was behind the building looking through the little window buying gear. Don't even bother saying "I was in the line of fire" because you know god damn well right I wasn't because I opposed no threat to you and your fellow members as I had my gun on my back. When you killed me, I raged and just turned my computer off for the night as it was getting late anyway :)

** Sorry for double posting, the website didn't refresh so I clicked post again

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Please can no other UGN member post in this thread. Although your point is valid Krawly and would help prove he did not combat log. If this is the case did he have his gear when he logged back in?

Please stay out Boris. It's a report that does not involve you. You have not been reported. Stop trying to antagonize us. Read the rules on reporting threads. No UGN member was actually banned.

Redpath I did not RDM anyone as can be clearly seen in the video. I never had a gun. This is about you combat logging not you being rdmed. If you wish to complain about that then make a separate post with evidence.

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