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Best RP'er of the month nomination

"What's yur name?" - "Robert Jones"


"What yur name again?" - "Jimmy Jones"....

well he didn't tell the officer to let him go because his 5 friends have him surrounded, i don't like this version of RP


You can tell from his body movement that he was very nervous, couldnt have his arms and legs holding still and walking all over the place, + he was looking way too often at the officer. I also noticed him taking lots of sips from his water bottle, when you are very nervous your tongue and mouth are dry as a desert (i also get this sometimes when im doing a play for theatre lol f ing annoying!) Someone who would be innocent would be more looking around because he would feel less safe once he heard there was an escaped prisoner around... I have to admit his story was very well made up and he stayed as calm as he could be. Dont forget he just improvised all of this on the spot knowing his enemy is right in front of him! my nerves wouldve just killed me if i was him right there lol.

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He was sipping lots of water because he was dehydrated and thirsty from his jog, I swear Mr. Officer

He was sipping lots of water because he was dehydrated and thirsty from his jog, I swear Mr. Officer
Good point it didnt come up to me that ofcourse he had actually been jogging lol :lol:  . But nervous people also tend to fiddle with their fingers- or when they have an object in their hands they use that. (for example a bottle or a pencil)

The give away was the two different names he gave, lets be honest, you don't need to look at body language.
Well maybe the officer thought exactly the same, and didnt quite catch the part where he gave different names, with the result of a criminal running around free!
