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Ben Dennison (Action: Ban Issued 26/03/2015)

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I know i am not supposed to post here, but Liquid, it's a report, not a ban request. And you talk like you are an admin or somthing by saying this is his ban etc? Not to be a dick or anything, but this kind of behavior upsets me
You should indeed not post here! Especially with something as none constructive as this.

However, as you say there might be some poor wording/ phrasing in Liquids post, but if you look at the point of his post, and what he is actually saying, it is that the admins should have their say and that he is not willing to argue anymore.

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You are clearly trying to drop the topic because you know that you are also in the wrong... We can type as many words as we want to and accuse each other of lying for days on end but the fact is that Bratjaggasvlnd does have the video of what happened and if he were to upload the entire event (which he should of in the first place) it would show a whole different story. Obviously i was aware that i could not just zip tie an armed hobo in green zone that is why i sent a text message to an officer before proceeding. I haven't denied any of my actions nor have I lied about anything i have said, upload the entire event and lets see who the liar is.

Don't start something if you are too afraid to finish it kid and learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

Wow i was just about to finish my reply but i now see you have edited an entire post because another user has also taken offense to it. You REALLY need to do some growing up kid don't speak your mind then change your tone when you realize you are in the wrong. If you are ("happy as long as ben is banned") among other thing's then don't say it and then edit your post to hide it.   

You are clearly trying to drop the topic because you know that you are also in the wrong... We can type as many words as we want to and accuse each other of lying for days on end but the fact is that Bratjaggasvlnd does have the video of what happened and if he were to upload the entire event (which he should of in the first place) it would show a whole different story. Obviously i was aware that i could not just zip tie an armed hobo in green zone that is why i sent a text message to an officer before proceeding. I haven't denied any of my actions nor have I lied about anything i have said, upload the entire event and lets see who the liar is.

Don't start something if you are too afraid to finish it kid and learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

Okay, I dont know where you are getting the idea that we are trying to drop this report? Also, if you are accusing us of something, then the burden of evidence is on you, not us. I have uploaded all the footage i have of this incident, as I after this tabbed out and tried to find you or Ben Dennison on TS to inform you that we were in a greenzone.

As you can see in the video, the only person with a weapon out is Ben Dennison. Liquid/ Felix Thunderbaby is clearly a hobo with nothing on him, except for the standard hobo backpack.

Now this report is on Ben Dennison, not you, because as a fellow mentor informed me, ziptieing someone in the greenzone might be allowed. Im however fairly sure you are not allowed to knock people out, and im 100% sure you are not allowed to abduct them.

We will simply have to wait for an admin to make a decision.

Until then, please refrain from wildly accusing two long-time and (I hope) at least fairly respected members of this community for rulebreaks without any evidence.

EDIT: Im so confused. Who has edited a post? The thing you said someone edited is still there, in his post..

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Really? So now you are telling me you tried to contact me on TS (couldn't of been that hard as I was in the Birmingham channel) and that you happened to record the ONLY 7 seconds that PI Liquid didn't have a gun in his hand. Now you also have completely changed your tone since i have challenged your accusations, you have gone from "he should be banned for zip tying" to this...

Do you not remember that you brought me into this? Also that abduction and knocking out clearly don't apply to me as shown in your own video.

Being a long-time member has absolutely nothing to do with this I didn't even bring the fact that you are a mentor up at any point thought this argument, though now in my (only personal) opinion you really shouldn't be. And i personally wouldn't have respect for anyone who lies through their teeth.

By the way did you know that when you press "Shift+H" your pistol gets put away? but i guess you didn't happen to record that part either...

Really? So now you are telling me you tried to contact me on TS (couldn't of been that hard as I was in the Birmingham channel) and that you happened to record the ONLY 7 seconds that PI Liquid didn't have a gun in his hand. Now you also have completely changed your tone since i have challenged your accusations, you have gone from "he should be banned for zip tying" to this...

Do you not remember that you brought me into this? Also that abduction and knocking out clearly don't apply to me as shown in your own video.

Being a long-time member has absolutely nothing to do with this I didn't even bring the fact that you are a mentor up at any point thought this argument, though now in my (only personal) opinion you really shouldn't be. And i personally wouldn't have respect for anyone who lies through their teeth.

By the way did you know that when you press "Shift+H" your pistol gets put away? but i guess you didn't happen to record that part either...
Not gonna bother anymore. I admitted I might have been wrong about something, and this is how you reply?

This thread could do with some locking, I cant seem to stop answering even though i know I probably shouldn't... Please, lock this?

Oh, but right before we do, here is another snip of video from about 5 minutes before the ziptieing, which shows a clearly unarmed Felix Thunderbaby (DI Liquid) running away from Ben Dennison wielding a pistol.

Would you still call us liars and abusers or would you like to "edit" that?

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You have just contradicted yourself and proven what kind of person you really are... So you tell me that you were only able to record the seven seconds in which i had restrained him and that nothing else was recoded ("I have uploaded all the footage i have of this incident") yet now you upload another short clip from the same incident showing another tiny portion of Pi Liquid not doing anything wrong. I mean you just proved to me and everyone else that you do have all of the footage and are only uploading the portions that you see fit so it looks like we were in the wrong...

You really are an idiot i have to say and yes i do stick by my opinion even more so now. Also lock the thread if you want to (Might stop you from digging a bigger hole) I have proved my point.

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You have just contradicted yourself and proven what kind of person you really are... So you tell me that you were only able to record the seven seconds in which i had restrained him and that nothing else was recoded ("I have uploaded all the footage i have of this incident") yet now you upload another short clip from the same incident showing another tiny portion of Pi Liquid not doing anything wrong. I mean you just proved to me and everyone else that you do have all of the footage and are only uploading the portions that you see fit so it looks like we were in the wrong...

You really are an idiot i have to say and yes i do stick by my opinion even more so now. Also lock the thread if you want to (Might stop you from digging a bigger hole) I have proved my point.
Someone please lock this thread! Preferably before i dig a bigger hole!

(I think Im addicted to this thread now.. I need help)

Personal attacks will NOT be telerated here. Locking for now. If anyone has any evidence to add please PM a member of the team to add it.

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