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Being robbed


West Midlands, Eng (Yes I'm a Yam Yam)
Hello everyone. I'm new to Altis Life and in fact new to Arma 3 too.

Last night I was pulled over by what I thought was police. Unfortunately it wasn't and after doing a copper run and on my way to a cash point I was robbed. I'm not here to moan about being robbed. My question is, how easy do I have to give up? I want to keep it authentic in a role play manner but at the same time, not make it easy for when people do decide to rob me.

I hope this makes sense.


Well you should always try to value your life, however people do desperate things for money IRL.  Saw an interview for someone who stabbed his freind to death for $20!  So its a tough call. 

If you offer up good RP and can stall long enough for the police to arrive that is a safe bet, but you need to make sure you hit the option to include your location!  The police can respond to most areas within 2 minutes and if you can get car details, names (although no meta gaming!) or stall them, then maybe handing over the cash and keeping your life and gear isnt the worst thing.  If you dont comply with there demands then you do risk your life, and if they feel you are stalling they can always pistol whip/rifle butt you and take your wallet from your sprawled out body.  

Good advice; bring a freind, avoid suspicious activitys, and get out whilst you still can.  When I used to trade before the police, if I spotted an offroad going to an area with two guys in the back in camo clothing, you know trouble is going down.  A box truck with a guy in a polo shirt is less likely to rob you IMO. 

True,  a hobo is only as dangerous as the size of his backpack :) 

So there has to be roleplay to get the money too? I had my hands up and he just went away in to my back pack (or wallet shall we say). He was in and out quicker than a speeding ticket.

Well it is a roleplay server, If they walk up to you and go for the hardened criminal approach "stick your hands up im nicking your jammy dodgers"  and he chins you and takes your wallet, then theres not alot more you can do.   The general store in kavala is a hotspot for that kind of activity, its far enough away from a cash point and general public that anyone there has cash on them and someone with a pistol sneaking up on you can have the advantage! 

However, there always has to be some sort of roleplay! 

Hello everyone. I'm new to Altis Life and in fact new to Arma 3 too.

Last night I was pulled over by what I thought was police. Unfortunately it wasn't and after doing a copper run and on my way to a cash point I was robbed. I'm not here to moan about being robbed. My question is, how easy do I have to give up? I want to keep it authentic in a role play manner but at the same time, not make it easy for when people do decide to rob me.

I hope this makes sense.

Heads up.. i can see that the answers have already been given but previously police have been told to keep activity up in legal trades as well as illegal... so if you are doing a copper run or something, text the police so we can cast our eyes onto the area where you are at. We can't help all the time but most of the time we can. A dispatch with as much information as you can and a gridref also helps.

Heads up.. i can see that the answers have already been given but previously police have been told to keep activity up in legal trades as well as illegal... so if you are doing a copper run or something, text the police so we can cast our eyes onto the area where you are at. We can't help all the time but most of the time we can. A dispatch with as much information as you can and a gridref also helps.
Does this mean before a possible robbery? Just going about my day to day business and giving the police a heads up with what I'm doing? Or after a robbery? I went to report a theft last night but I didn't know how until it was too late lol.

Edit - or would it be advisable to let the police know I'm just going to offload my ingots and head to a cash point after that and let them know the route I'm heading?

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Does this mean before a possible robbery? Just going about my day to day business and giving the police a heads up with what I'm doing? Or after a robbery? I went to report a theft last night but I didn't know how until it was too late lol.
If you think its suspicious as fuck that a car is driving around and you don't want to get robbed then message the police like you would IRL.. however, we only have 30 cops max, and we sometimes need to respond to other things.

Got it. I didn't even know it was suspicious last night. I thought the police was in a chase so pulled over (as I would IRL). How stupid I was, next minute hands in the air lol. 

Thanks for the input mate.

Got it. I didn't even know it was suspicious last night. I thought the police was in a chase so pulled over (as I would IRL). How stupid I was, next minute hands in the air lol. 

Thanks for the input mate.
If police are trying to pull you over they usually honk their horn a few times.. however its not always the case.

Police also usually wear yellow / black or navy blue.. no camo's :D

If you're moving out of the way for a police car coming fast, you literally do not even need to stop your vehicle, just move onto the dirt slightly :D 

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If police are trying to pull you over they usually honk their horn a few times.. however its not always the case.

Police also usually wear yellow / black or navy blue.. no camo's :D

If you're moving out of the way for a police car coming fast, you literally do not even need to stop your vehicle, just move onto the dirt slightly :D 
I couldn't see. It was a dark lonely night.

Dylan you have been extremely helpful mate. Thank you.

If police are trying to pull you over they usually honk their horn a few times.. however its not always the case.

Police also usually wear yellow / black or navy blue.. no camo's :D

If you're moving out of the way for a police car coming fast, you literally do not even need to stop your vehicle, just move onto the dirt slightly :D 
Dont forget the lovely clothing bug, police can be in a very distinct army camo, and or underpants.... but he is right, they should be in the black or banana yellow. 
