Looks like a great game, But this is EA. BF3 BF4 Hardline SW:Battlefront just to name a very few games they have massively COCKED UP beyond belief
Remember BF 3 where they started fracturing gaming communities with paid for DL. Then the Massive Cock up that was BF4 and then Hardline.
I'm not going to Lie, EA (stop trying to think DICE have any say in the decision making process) have got my attention with this game, It looks fantastic and great variation of gameplay over all types of vehicles. But I have been burnt by EA to many times and vote with my wallet and don't purchase their products.
This game will have to be EXCEPTIONAL to change my current stance on EA don't deserve my meagre supply of money, the trailer looks great, but think how much money was spent on making that trailer. Is the game going to provide that experience or is it just hyperbole?