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Banned for VDM, when in a fire fight.

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Here is the vid, take it easy boys. 

Bare in minds that this is straight after server restart.

00:30 This guys is telling Mr.Jelly to drop hes gun.

im then trying to stay hidden couse i got hit aswell for some reason and i dont want no beef sence the server just restarted. all i wanted was to get food and water and stuff like that as i did after. (skipped some parts when shopping couse the file was abow 4gib)

There is guns shooting everywhere and at 05:21 i got shot in the back.

After watching the video i can understand that you thought it was a RDM, however you was in the same area we was being shot from with people with pistols, for all i knew you was one of the people shooting at me, i was unable to get a id on you, so since you was armed and come from the same location as the people shooting, with your gun draw, I opened fired. 

I was also under the understanding that it was a group of rebels that was shooting back at my group, you was also wearing rebel gear with you gun draw ? I didn't need to say anything to you before i shot you, we was taking gun fire so i returned fire. I am NOT going to have a cup of tea and biscuits and a talk with you in the middle of being fired upon. I will protect myself, gear and fellow rebels at all cost once being shot at. If the case is you die due to that, then i can only apologise. You are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I did go on to write you a message in teamspeak saying i would refund all gear lost for you & messy after you was killed. However it turned out i sent it in the wrong chat, however i did forward it on to yourselves later but was already banned. 

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as u said u hade no ideá what my id was and if i was the one that shot against you do you really think i would run away from you with my back at you ?, but good to know, everytime there is firefights in the citys u can kill ppl that looks bad ass and have weapons drawn. Doesnt matter if u get unbanned or not. im probebly leaving this server. purhaps not, w´ll see. 

And as of for bump. kind of the biggest asshole i met in my life online, i feel kind of sad for him. ive said nothing wrong to that guy and hes texting me that im a whiny kid when its you guys that is spamming. (you guys : dont take it to hard if u know your not one of them)

but ye bump is the biggest reason im concidering server change. i dont play with kids that dont have an understanding for how a roleplay game should work.

Hope there is no hard feelings when the unbann comes kryptic.

Dude i have no hard feelings against you or any FFE member, as you all know. I am here to have the same RP enjoyment in the game. Its hard when the group i was playing with gets me into a situation that had no control of. I had like 170k worth of gear items on me, i didnt want to get killed. You ask anyone of the channel group members at the time who don't even normally play with us, how many times i said i aint going to shoot a FFE member and when i did endup killing one, i felt really bad. I mean i didn't even kill messy but i was willing to refund any gear he and you had. 

I just hope this gets sorted asap, so we can all just enjoy the game. I have also had words with certain players who i am sure you will know, regarding encounters with FFE etc.

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i appreciate that, just need to wait for a admin to read over this. 

Please try logging back into the server

I will then be able to pickup your GUID and unban

i tried to connect to the game @ 20:39. So hopefully it supplied the GUID.
Thanks in advance 
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