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Banned for trying to roleplay

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New member
Just go banned because me and a group of players were trying to kidnap an officer, and what happened is that there was a guy called Fedor took a gun from my friend at the car shop in Kavala and killed him, I killed him back and then as I was going to the car shop in Kavala I received a message that says "admin klck, admin ban.

Escuuuza is my nickname at the server.

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So you are telling the same lie as the other one? You claim you got banned for defending yourself? 

1. You were following police officers up the stairs inside an office building while they were following armed suspects => No roleplay

2. You were standing on the stairs, shouting the positions of the cops to the bad guys => No roleplay

3. One officer told you to get out and stop non-roleplaying

4. You went down one floor and kept shouting informations to the bad guys => Still no roleplay, even after being told to roleplay

I deny all that, as soon as I got to the car shop after the guy called Fedro killed me, and who you chose to ignore I got banned.

If you're not going to unban me just say it, instead of trying to blame others for not roleplaying while you yourself weren't. Thinking that your an admin and a police officer would make you superior somehow. It all began with you not getting out of the car as all police officers should have and listening to us while we were chatting in group chat.

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hahaha Escuuuza if there 1 player following him to the stairs and u got banned , i was banned for exactly the same reason if there was 1 player there how come you ban 2 players for the same reason...makes no sense.

Random using of administration. thats should be revised by admins.

thats a lie
Absolutely. I need to make my arguments count by lying. 

only 1 player
Two people were coming up the stairs

and u dont know who he was
I know who they were, I saw their names. And I can make use of their names as an administrator, because they violated the rules. 

Where were you when they came up the stairs? What were you doing when the two officers went into the office building?

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I wouldn't say that it should be forgotten, but perhaps a second chance can be given?

9 times out of 10 if the player banned takes the time to try and overturn it, it's because there was a sincere lack of understanding of the rules and cares enough to sign up to the forum and make his defense. I don't think Escuuuuza is making his point very clear at all, because from the sounds of it, the Admin is spot on for his reasoning, but I also think a second chance is worth being given for the sake of Escuuuuza wishing to stay a part of the community. 

Escuuuuza- If you DO get another chance I would strongly suggest you take the time to REALLY look into the rules- Any of which you don't understand, you should find an officer in game and ask him. (That's what I did when I landed on the beaches of Kavala before I realized it was illegal) I spoke with the two officers there (Wilco and another) and they informed me of many things I didn't know. 

This is a serious role-play server which means you should be treating it as close to real life as possible- In order to keep the realism intact.
Apologize for what you did (wether on purpose or mistake) and move on either way. I hope you find your way back into the community and can contribute to the gameplay in a positive way. 

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