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Banned for Trolling? LOL pathetic! (Perm ban)

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Active member
apearantly im banned for Trolling. i call it provoking the cops and because they lost the hunt i guess they got pissed of and say im trolling? wtf is up with this bullshit.

make no mistake im not asking for an unban. after this pathetic course of action i do not want to play this game anymore. atleast not on your server. you make up rules when it pleases you down to a point that anyone should be afraid to do anything without having fear of getting banned because someone needs to show off his power.

you claim to be an adult server with mature admins and people yet you behave like little kids who got their toys taken from them.

im tought to end a conversation into something positive so i will try.

great server! great ppl... bad decission making from admins.

i dont expect you to have a reply on this. i just hope anyone who reads this will think about what happend here. and maybe you, just maybe yes you wilco! will make a system that makes sense when it comes to banning cause you failed misserably in my eyes and you are not as mature as you claim to be when it comes to wielding the power of the ban hammer.

i guess i failed too with ending positive. oh well. it was fun while it lasted.

goodbye to all of you.


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Calm down and tell us exactly the situation surrounding your ban and who you were banned by.

i am banned by wilco apearantly. reason : trolling.

I was driving an Ifrit and provoked the cops. they started shooting me and i drove off. i circled a bit until the cops chased me in a cop car then i drove through kavala to try to loose them. it was all good fun to me, and i expected aswell for the cops. they crashed their car and i went back 1 more time to see whats up. after that i somehow got insta killed while inside my ifrit. this bug happend to me before once.

it was already late so i decided to call it a night and check back today to see if i might have lost the ifrit as i could expect there was a chance that the cops scrapped it.

never could check it as i got banned for what i think was this event.

rebels provoke cops all the time with ifrit's so why can't i?. i do not see this as troling but just some fun with the cops. its also the first time i ever tried this.

i absolutely do not agree on this banning system as someone has no way to defend himself and this forum section is kinda known to be left in the dark for a few days before something happends no matter the reason. so yes i am kinda upset and disapointed in what happend here.

it feels like everything i do in game will make me wonder... will this get me in trouble?? not realy fun to play in that way and yes this is with following the rules!

without a proper defensive way or my side of the story there is no telling when you get banned for whatever reason.

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Well Wilco is the boss so there is no question of the ban being justified. This is your second ban so it's permanent I'm afraid.

Have fun with wherever you play in the future with less strict rules than us.


I sat there and watched you do the usual boring shit with a iffrit just beeping the horn at police ... which i note there was 3 police on at this time in the morning.

During a time where people was VDMing in kavala

What serious roleplay do you think this level of trolling was... infact at one point you even reversed back to a police car that was being repaired and constantly beeped the horn

Its boring... the ban is not pathetic your gameplay is!

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