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Banned for rolling

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The admins on this server disgusts me. Police are allowed to rdm it seems and Kavala is a total mess with players rdm'ing like hell. I don't know how many times I've been shot by police, randomly arrested or harassed for absolutely no reason. No ban for those guys. I rolled around in the market. Got banned for no rp. What about all the other guys? When half the cops aren't roleplaying cops, why are they getting away? They threw players into the water when they were restrained and from roofs aswell. I also read another ban appeal on this forum. A guy was banned from jumping off the roof? What about the fucking police throwing people of the roofs? That's a bit worse isn't it? 

Seriously, banned for rolling. I'm not "serious enough", even though there is a possibility that someone might be crazy rolling in the street. Go on. Ban 90% of the server then. I know for a fact that most of the players don't rp and many troll around.

The worst thing is that I didn't get a warning. A good admin bans only hackers, but gives a warning or a kick first if not. If that isn't followed up, then go ahead and ban the player(s).

(I'm a little bit unsure if I got only kicked or banned for a certain amount of time, but if I'm banned it's fine. I'm not gonna play on this server anyway with so shit administration imo)

I wonder how long this post will stay up. Won't be surprised if an admin deletes it :D

Ps. I'm not saying all admins are shitty on this server. I don't know which admin that did it or if it was several on the server at the time. But I felt like it was a bit extreme with no warning. 

Edit1: I think it was  Asdrubael

that banned me. He was talking about that it was fail rp, but I had no idea that he was an admin. He was playing as a cop. Looked like he randomly arrested a guy first and was asked why he randomly arrested him. He replied with that he was doing it often or something like that. I don't remember. Didn't even release him and he had to get run over by someone to get free. I guess that's  not relevant though even though it's not fair by an admin. I can't support this though as I didn't have shadowplay recording. 


Vorrws who made another unban appeal had been banned for being in the police hq. It's not bannable being there and - from what I read - he didn't get a warning either. He also got banned by the same guy, asdrubael, who needs to take a chill pill btw. 

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Yeah, I was playing for an hour all acting like I was a guy with mental issues, That is roleplay, right. And then the cop caught me, (Who was Asdrubael). I was expecting a Ticket or an arrest, Not a ban, or even a kick.

The admins on this server disgusts me.
That's a good opener for an unban request. You realize that you want something from the admins, since you have no fundamental right to play here, right? That line would have been placed better in the compliant area. But people would still question your attitude. Like, I banned you from the server, I didn't sent you any dickpics. 

I don't know how many times I've been shot by police, randomly arrested or harassed for absolutely no reason. No ban for those guys. I rolled around in the market. Got banned for no rp. What about all the other guys? When half the cops aren't roleplaying cops, why are they getting away? They threw players into the water when they were restrained and from roofs aswell. I also read another ban appeal on this forum. A guy was banned from jumping off the roof? What about the fucking police throwing people of the roofs? That's a bit worse isn't it? 
Yeah, Kavala was a mess indeed, because players didn't roleplay and just RDM'd the shit out of the server. Police managed to get it under control at somepoint, but you might imagine that it's not an easy thing to do. When you have civilians running around - let's say 20 of them, at the car shop - and five of them are ticking time bombs (in like: Pulling out their guns, shooting people) you would expect that roleplayer would run away from the scene. But what are most players doing? Running around police officers, rolling around the floor / streets with their characters and then are complaining for being banned for no roleplay. 

People being dropped into the water / from the roof is news to me. Players are asked to write a player report on these players, even if they are police players. 

Getting banned for jumping on the roof - that was me as well. This guy "played" (haha, yeah - I know it's not roleplaying) a suicide situation after 3 other people did it - at the same location. It's getting old and - as I wrote in another thread - we're not taking the "I'm an insane person" excuse seriously, because it is the number 1 excuse for doing shit on the server. 

Seriously, banned for rolling. I'm not "serious enough", even though there is a possibility that someone might be crazy rolling in the street. Go on. Ban 90% of the server then. I know for a fact that most of the players don't rp and many troll around.
See above, mental issues are no excuse. I'd know you'd roleplay if you were on this server for a long time and suddenly started to really *play* an insane person (did you know that playing an insane person doesn't have to involve pissing off cops or disturbing them?). But you and all the other "insane persons" just joined and thought it would be fun to piss us off - and your excuse would be mental illness - awesome, let's to it! <-- Nope, not gonna work. 

The worst thing is that I didn't get a warning. A good admin bans only hackers, but gives a warning or a kick first if not. If that isn't followed up, then go ahead and ban the player(s).
Of course you didn't get a warning. Who am I to explain the obvious to you while I am taking a lot of heat in the game? Now I have the time, now you get your explanation. And no, I am not a good admin. I put a shitload of work in the server. The rules are made by me and (given that everyone would obey them) they ensure a nice playing experience on our server. From all the Altis Life servers out there this police force is the most drilled one, being a cop is almost not fun anymore because I always tell my cops to do better. But here is the thing: Doing this ensures that you will never encounter an immature cop who tazes you for fun, put you in jail for hours for no reason or something like that. Doing that ensures that you will always meet a cop who can reason with (in roleplay! Like discussing a speeding ticket) and a lot of players enjoy cop encounters IF they are not trying to kill the cops or run/roll around them/in front of their cars. If you're looking for really nice roleplay experience with cops then we are the number one. And this is not because I am a nice admin, this is because I am a strict admin.

(I'm a little bit unsure if I got only kicked or banned for a certain amount of time, but if I'm banned it's fine. I'm not gonna play on this server anyway with so shit administration imo)
If you want to be taken seriously, you should change the way you talk about people. How can you say I'm shit if you never met me? Because I banned you in a game where you misbehaved? Because you disagree with me? You say I'm not reasonable, but you are allowed to insult me? Think about yout attitude.

Edit1: I think it was  Asdrubael
Oh my god I love reading my name. Bigger font makes it even more awesome. YES! IT WAS ME! And as you can see, I am totally fine with it and - to be honest, none of your reasons make me question my decision.

but I had no idea that he was an admin. 
So you only follow the rules when there is an admin nearby? Why is that important? Explain it to me, I like to consume knowledge. 

Vorrws who made another unban appeal had been banned for being in the police hq. It's not bannable being there and - from what I read - he didn't get a warning either. He also got banned by the same guy, asdrubael, who needs to take a chill pill btw. 
I replied to him already. So you say it's not bannable. Who says that? You? Who are you to decide that? Where are the "Altis Life" rules approved by the United Nations I didn't follow? Wait, there are none? Oh yeah that is because it is our server and in the end, we decide whatever we want. We follow our own rules of course, don't panic. But sometimes a player thinks it's a good idea to annoy the police while they have to fight off the rebels outside Kavala and look for RDMers inside the town. You might be able to imagine that while all this shit is going down, there is no time for me to camly explain to you that your roleplay is shit and your excuse is even more in a lovely, non-aggressive, almost angelic voice. 

And you attitude totally support my decision. Apparently

  • You only play by the rules when there is no admin around
  • Everyone who disagrees with you or is doing something you don't like is "shit" and "disgusts you"
Of course I need to take a chill pill - it actually would be really nice (for me!), but wouldn't help the daily server business at all, because it needs my hard hand. As hard as it might be for you to believe that, ask any other admin or cop - my style is favored amongst others. Cheers mate!

# Denied

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This is a great advertisement to what we are about in terms of children on the server.

Our server/s are about serious roleplay... I am unsure what country you are from but in the UK and most EU citys and towns i have visited i cannot say i have seen 3 guys jumping off the building together or a number of people rolling around by a police station.

This is not roleplay - This is just Immature

If this is the way you act in real life then good luck to you my friend...

Most people will also disagree with you, We are great admins for the protection of the mood in the server, Its players and serious roleplay

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Ok, I'm not the most polite person. I'm not from England and I don't put sorry and excuse in every sentence. I'm from Norway and we are a very unpolite nation to be quite honest. You take those insults way too seriously. Do you die of shock when somebody speaks a little bit rough to you?

When you talk about rules, asdrubael, haven't you posted rules on this forum? I read them trough. Who the hell said said there was international laws to follow? Certainly not me. In my eyes, the other guy who got banned didn't break of the rules listed.

Yes, you can go on and ban anybody you like. There's nothing stopping you. You can ban people even though if they aren't breaking any rules. But I got pissed because when I didn't roleplay for 2 mins I got banned. While Kavela was under terror I didn't see many bans rolling.

I'm not taking your posts serious either as you call me immature. Because apparently you won't be taken seriously when you put swear words and insults in a sentence instead of excuse and sorry.  

I thought it was pretty immature of you aswell, asdrubael, restraining a dude and never letting him go. As I said, he had to get a car to drive over him to get free. Should ban yourself, yeah? A maniac cop. That certainly is not roleplay. Deny that and you'll break your own words as written above. Oh wait, you're an admin. You can do whatever you want. 

Hell, why am I even defending myself. Yes, you banned me and you're right to do so. But I wrote that post in anger because I'm not following your own little rules and got banned for that, while others go free. Even you asdrubael. 

If this is the way you act in real life then good luck to you my friend...

What do you mean? The way I act or the way I roleplay? I was actually roleplaying seriously for a longer time and doing an honest job. I let my guard down for 2 mins and that got me banned. If you mean the way I act, we apparently don't have a same culture. We norwegians use swear words, insults, but we're not taking it that seriously.  I'm sorry if you nearly died of shock reading this and the previous post.

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After reading trough your post several times, asdrubael, you take a lot of "assumptions" to your own favor. The way you put an angle on things etc. 

And you attitude totally support my decision. Apparently

  • You only play by the rules when there is no admin around
  • Everyone who disagrees with you or is doing something you don't like is "shit" and "disgusts you"
1. No, where did I say I only play by the rules when there's an admin around? Please prove that! I've played seriously on the server, except those two minutes. So me breaking the rules at all times are not true. Another assumption on your part. When I heard "well, that's no rp" mumbled in the distance, I didn't know it wasn't allowed to roll in the street or that you were the admin. If you told me you were the admin I would have understood that "no rolling" is the law. A warning would be sufficient. You could have come and told me. Done. 

2. Hey! Another assumption. You like making assumptions right? When you failrp as a cop and then ban me for fail rp for rolling, of course - in my eyes - you are a shit and disgust me. The difference between you and me is the admin power. Do you really think I go around and call people idiots because they have a different opinion than me? Yes, I talked like I meant all of the administration, but it's narrowed down to you really. Look at my ps. post. 

Why was it so hard to give me a warning? You are very banhappy I feel after I've read all the other posts on this forum. I'm not saying all of them people making unban appeals are right, but maybe some are. For example, you banned a guy for driving over somebody when it was an accident? How is that failrp in any way? People make mistakes. Both ingame and irl. Yes, he got unbanned, but that's not the point. You ban without investigating, warning or anything. If you don't have enough time to do that, then find more admins.

This is posted in the wrong subforum like you guys said. It should be a complaint, because I'm not really asking for an unban. I don't want to write a thread about being unbanned after driving over someone by accident all the time anyways. 

Goodbye :D


Oh my god I love reading my name. Bigger font makes it even more awesome. YES! IT WAS ME! And as you can see, I am totally fine with it and - to be honest, none of your reasons make me question my decision.

Didn't mean to make your name bigger or anything. I just copy pasted it from your profile and was to lazy to make it smaller. 

Edit 2:

I may admit that I skipped the rules and guidelines of the server. I just joined one of the servers with a nice balance of players and ping. I didn't think it was that serious. From what I experienced in Kavala it didn't really seem like a "serious roleplaying community". As mentioned, the cops threw players into the water and from the roofs while they were restrained, players were trolling and driving over people randomly, and I have to say you didn't really roleplay yourself, asdrubael. 

Anyways, I can see it being hard for you to go trough every player's action, investigate, warn and following up when so many players troll. But in my case, a brief explanation and a warning would be more than enough. 

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