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Banned for being in Police HQ

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Hey, I was banned for being in the Police HQ, I just had a bit fun in there trying to get arrested and Asdrubael banned me, I know the Police HQ is a restricted area but not a bannable area, Atleast he could have told me to leave.

Dude, read my post her in the same forum. Asdrubael needs to chill down. I got banned for rolling. Yeah, rolling. He should warn people before banning them.

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You realize this is a roleplay server, right? So both of you just nailed their coffin, because:

  • How is rolling around the street(!) roleplay?
  • How is "trying to get arrested" roleplay? 

But of course I am the one that needs to calm down, right?

# Denied

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I said I was roleplaying as a mentally retarded man, Who does retarded things because he is obviously mentally retarded. Well there is other servers to donate to.

The only thing i basicly did was standing behind a building then run when the cop came over, then banned me. No warning to even leave the area

I said I was roleplaying as a mentally retarded man, Who does retarded things because he is obviously mentally retarded. Well there is other servers to donate to.
You know that i actually find that quite offensive.. there are people with learning difficulties in the world and some might be active in our community/server so to log in to a game and take the piss out of them is unacceptable.

Please take a good look in the mirror at yourself and rethink

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I have even more for you. 

I said I was roleplaying as a mentally retarded man, Who does retarded things because he is obviously mentally retarded.
And I told you what we think of that. Wilco did as well from another point of view. 

Well there is other servers to donate to.
Cheap attempt at luring us into begging you to come back? Doesn't work. 

The only thing i basicly did was standing behind a building then run when the cop came over, then banned me. No warning to even leave the area
Well, let's look at your statement closely. You were hiding. Why? Prolly because you knew that you shouldn't be there because you noticed we told other civilians to get off the property. So why exactly do you think you deserved to be warned seperately? 

We can discuss this as long as you will, but I can promise you that you won't win this argument. 

Still, If it was my server, I would never ban someone for hiding, then running away. I just find that very stupid. Lets say it like this, I was spying, Would you ban me for spying?

If it was your server it wouldn't be successful as ours is because people keep coming back for the serious "mature" role-play environment we offer.

The last thing serious players of this game want is children acting up like there in a school playground.

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Spying. Of course. And because it is so important you wouldn't have said it earlier and presenting it with "Lets say it like it is". 7/10 - still funny. 

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