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banned for apparent combat logs (Unbanned 13/11/2014)

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You even say in post that u cant guarantee what happened your own post proves i didn't disconnect only get kicked, your post contradicts your self
Don't try to bullshit and twist my words, I said I wasn't sure which order it happened in.

What I do know for sure is that you and grimreaper got tazed, you then disappear offline.

What I don't remember is if Nvukota killed you, you disconnect, then come back to kill the two BHs.. or if..

You killed the two BHs who then combat log, Nvukota then kills you, and you disconnect.

Either way there were four combat logouts in the same incident, which I reported.



Steam ticket failed [Null] is a common arma problem.  2 forum posts from forums on official Bi and arma sites. 

as you can see from this ( this what happens in pictures and i was having problems with arma 3 all day ) if you read those its a known issue with arma 3 mods alot of people will get disconnected from this all the time, and i didnt combat log mate

Lama, no disrespect or anything but are you blind? A STEAM TICKET NULL ERROR IS NOT A COMBAT LOG. That error appears all the time, check out my stream sometime when i play battle royale. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. ;_;

I saw Matz and hes gang in Kavala all night they acctully helped us abit to do some basic pull overs with CSO Randomize and hes a really good roleplayer!.

I think there are way too many people in this community that get off on getting others banned. It's utterly disgusting.  

The steam ticket check failed is a real problem and I had issues all sunday morning and afternoon trying to get into and stay on the server. 

go check what a combat log says it says it in the first picture u did i kiilled those 2 bounty hunters and they combat log i dont, i dont know what it is with PLF a vendetta against us on the server mate get ur facts right, i didnt combat log
vendetta wat?
Do you think people is that stupd MATZ? That the steam ticket fail is a known issue is true, but that it would happen right after you are killed and you say "Metagaming noobs"? And not once but at least twice?

Come on, own up to your wrongdoings instead.

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i gotta be honest here but i have been having a huge problem lately with  arma 3 crashes, it happens at least twice a night and in some of the worse situations possible

bigboy101 said:
Me neither, it's just these PLF guys thought they where the dons and got rekt now they cry like little girls its actually quite hilarious what little benders
Rekt? When? How? Where?
Pull your big boy socks up, you can do better than that.

Yo yo yo, dont flame the post man stop posted please dont want no flame here wanna be mature about this.


(I dont want a report WAR because this is what it looks like so can everyone stop bitching on the post please.)

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i gotta be honest here but i have been having a huge problem lately with  arma 3 crashes, it happens at least twice a night and in some of the worse situations possible
I dont care about crashing but yeh looks abit odd but i honestly had issues with arma 3 all day fps drops and freezes which resulted in not responding arma 3 ( in the worse situatons, happend as well while i was role playing

Everyone please be quiet about LRG and PLF, All that needs doing is for the admin so look at this issue as it was not a combat log. This issue is well known in arma 3 and causes really low fps and then crashes. If he combat logged it would have just said disconnected and not "Kicked".

As well as PLF, Will LRG please not mention anything about PLF in this post. Kris any posts made about PLF and LRG please just ignore. People will be told to just keep in to themselves or within the group.

This post is to sort out this bug issue and to be unbanned, nothing else. 

Thanks Jc

Everyone please be quiet about LRG and PLF, All that needs doing is for the admin so look at this issue as it was not a combat log. This issue is well known in arma 3 and causes really low fps and then crashes. If he combat logged it would have just said disconnected and not "Kicked".

As well as PLF, Will LRG please not mention anything about PLF in this post. Kris any posts made about PLF and LRG please just ignore. People will be told to just keep in to themselves or within the group.

This post is to sort out this bug issue and to be unbanned, nothing else. 

Thanks Jc
Agreed. Feel free to contact me by other means if you feel a situation needs to be resolved.

Sorry didnt mean to post here

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Everyone please be quiet about LRG and PLF, All that needs doing is for the admin so look at this issue as it was not a combat log. This issue is well known in arma 3 and causes really low fps and then crashes. If he combat logged it would have just said disconnected and not "Kicked".
Not true. If you Alt+F4 or use the task manager to force a shutdown it says "Kicked". Everyone knows this.

No its doesnt... It says disconnected. Everyone knows this.

Except you

Erm, not that i know of mate check videos on here on report players who combat log and it doesn't say kicked from steam for ticket error...

Erm, not that i know of mate check videos on here on report players who combat log and it doesn't say kicked from steam for ticket error...

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