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Bank Of Altis

A very trusted bank indeed. I have safely deposited a large amount of money and the future is looking bright. I once had a vision that I would one day be able to buy my own jet and it is looking like a possibility with the help of the Bank of Altis 

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So is all money kept on record such as a spreadsheet for each person?

If so, how safe is my money.

Second, how long will the Bengal be open and third of the bank shuts down will I get my money back with its interest?

Thinking of investing 10,000,000.

Regards, Phalanx.

So is all money kept on record such as a spreadsheet for each person?

If so, how safe is my money.

Second, how long will the Bengal be open and third of the bank shuts down will I get my money back with its interest?

Thinking of investing 10,000,000.

Regards, Phalanx.
Yes all accounts are stored on a spreadsheet with all interest rates calculated automatically, there is also a separate sheet for each account holder keeping track of their deposits and withdrawals so their balance is always up to date. As for your second question you will have to clarify that further as I do not understand it, but I personally guarantee your money is safe. Please feel free to join the lobby at any point to discuss this further.

heres an example of our spreadsheet


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hi boa i hav alewys wunted to make interast $$$£££ thru bank. pls help me echive my dream of buy big house in kavala?

hop 2 here frm u son. 

Legal consequences? Will you send the police or perhaps a gang after the criminals?

Legal consequences? Will you send the police or perhaps a gang after the criminals?
Good day Maxi,

We've got several ways of dealing with people who do not repay their loans.
But it is certainly something you would not want to do!

We've got both the police and other legal ways of dealing with people who do not pay.

Have a nice day.

Good day Maxi,

We've got several ways of dealing with people who do not repay their loans.
But it is certainly something you would not want to do!

We've got both the police and other legal ways of dealing with people who do not pay.

Have a nice day.
What are the benefits of making a bank account with the Bank Of Altis? :)

Although I must remain anonymous, I am currently stationed within the Police Force and can confirm that Gold reserves (a last resort that would be sold to finance the banks to ensure the customers' money was secure) has all been taken by some extremely sneaky cleaners and civilians posing as New Year celebrators...as a result of this...should the banking system fail there is no way to ensure you will be able to withdraw the money in your account, as they won't have the funds to give you it...

Unlike the default bank account you have right now, you could convert to a savings account at the Bank of Altis.
This means that you will receive interest on the money that is on the savings account!
Is there a equation for the amount of interest you earn?
