Bank Of Altis
Dear citizens of Altis,
With multiple investors and even shareholders from the Bank of Altis being deported from the island, the Bank of Altis is declared bankrupt.
In an earlier statement, one of the owners ( Steven Sugar ) said that he would be giving out money from his own pocket to compensate the investors.
Sadly enough, this is not possible due to the contract that was sign, which was used to create the Bank of Altis.
Steven Sugar has tried to contact the government in order to get some assistance in aiding the investors, but the government is not prepared to help carry out the compensations.
Official statement from Steven Sugar;
"After multiple attempts to get this problem solved, I just could not reach the goal I was aiming for. It is basically impossible for the Bank of Altis to refund/compensate everyone with its main shareholders and investors being deported. To all the people who trusted us with their money, my sincere apologies."
22-12-2015, is the date the Bank of Altis will shut down and cease to exist.
Yours faithfully,
Bank of Altis.