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Ban suggestions


Active member
I'm banned at the moment for 6 months, and i personally think that the current banning system is not good or effective at all.

Right now i'm banned for "combat logging." now you probably think i'm one of those skids that leaves the server straight after dying to save gear, but i'm not. All i did was close the game down after being on the respawn screen after being dead for about 3 minutes! So yes, i got banned for 6 months for leaving the server. Now the only valid ban i have before this is for metagaming which was a stupid mistake when i first started playing on this server.

I have a few improvements that i have thought of. 

First of all, i thought that the ban shouldn't be permanent, if someone goes round mass RDMing and they get perm banned, they can get unbanned within 3 days with a unban appeal, i don't see why you don't just say, you RDM'd 5 people for no reason which is clearly you just trolling so you get a 3 month ban. Or if someone accidentally RDMs someone they either give the person comp or get's a one week ban. 

All i'm trying to say is that people are being banned for 6 months for making tiny tiny mistakes! If i was an admin of this server and i was reviewing my ban, i would of said "banned for one month for combat logging." But that one month is only that long because of my previous bans, if i had no previous bans i would just give a warning. 

The bans should differentiate on the rule they have broken or how many of them they have broken. for example, RDM should be like a 2 month ban, VDM 2 month, fail RP 2 month, breaking NLR 1 week ect. 

I love this server which is why i'm trying to do this, people in my gang have also been banned for ridiculous things as well and a lot of my friends have.

2nd of all, i understand that unban appeals are lowest priority? why? if an active player gets banned for false accusations that means they can't get unbanned for a very long time! that's not fair and seems as admins don't really care about the unban appeals it means that the player can no longer play on the server, so just remove prioraties? there shouldn't be no length of the time that admins/moderators reply to appeals because the reply to the appeal could be "appeal accepted, punishment is a 3 day ban" or "appeal accepted, ban time shortened from 3 months to one month." 

Please post your opinions below and you can put your suggestions as well! 

Thanks for reading :) 

They are lowest priority because they can be avoided by simply not going banned in the first place...

To be slightly more helpful, timed bans will not work because you can simply go elsewhere for a while and have to put no effort in to get unbanned. At the moment, by placing permanent bans on all offences, although it takes time, it means that we are able to confirm that the person will re-read the rules and understands their mistake. With a timed ban, you can not really understand the rule you broke and not really care that you broke it but get unbanned by having some patience. If you can't be bothered to wait a few days as an established player because of a ban, you clearly can't wait for a timed ban to be over.

I think (as a personal opinion that doesn't reflect the opinion of the staff team) that we are potentially a little too harsh on certain rulebreaks that don't negatively effect roleplay and are seemingly mistakes and combat logging seems to be the worst offender for this. Unfortunately, we will almost certainly not be changing the low priority of appeals and timed bans do not fit with the community we have created here over the past 2 years. You will simply have to bide your time.

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As a serious RP community, things like RDM and FailRP and those not interested in following the rules ruins the experience for everyone they come across. That's why bans are permenant. If you're not interested in following the rules and Serious RP nature of the server, then it's not in the community interest to have those disruptive people here. If they did make a genuine mistake, then they are able to appeal it and come back, if they're just here to cause trouble - why let them come back after a month or two? Mass RDMers generally aren't unbanned.

Unban appeals are low priority for the same above reason, the rules aren't hard to follow. As for 'false accusations' I don't know if i've ever seen that happen, as the Staff are very thorough in their processing of reports and you have to talk it out with whoever you report first, so false reports are generally shot down pretty fast.

The first thing you're told to do when you join is read the rules, that's not a hard concept.

I think the current system works just fine. Follow the rules, or get banned. All bans being appeal-able, if you truly want to stay here and play you'll appeal, if you've no interest in the community you'll move on elsewhere.

Currently if you get banned and appeal, if you offend within 3 months then you get a perm 6month ban, i don't see anything wrong with that. Combat logging used to be Ban with no appeal, so the fact you CAN now appeal it is extending a branch.

@CST TomTheDoge

But surely if the timed bans are suited to the rule the ybroke for example if someone RDM'd a group of people, they could just appeal to get unbanned and they'd be unbanned within a few days, they clearly killed all those people on purpose, now if the server actually gave punishments like giving someone a perm ban, they can shorten it to less if they appeal. Having a set punishment works, i mean look at the prison system, if someone get's sent to jail for murder, they don't appeal to get out of jail, the judge doesn't say "you're going in and we'll decide when you can come out," they give a set amount of time. If a student does something wrong at school, they get punished for it, it's a set punishment. In theory every type of community works in the same type of way, whether it be a prison, a school or a gaming community, the majority of communities and real life communities work on the one i've just explained. 

I don't see the harm in trying this to see what it's like. 

I've just thought of this as well: If a player get's banned for RDM, they can still get perm banned like the current one, but if they send in an application then they get there set punishment, to see if the player actually cares about playing or not. Here's an example. If i got perm banned for VDM, the admin can decide what the punishment is, in this case it could be a one week ban. And after that one week is up they re-apply and get unbanned. 


I've been falsely banned twice now, both times for RDM, after looking at evidence ect the RP was ruled clear and actual RP. Now that has definitely affected the decision that the admin made when banning me, i think if i was never falsely banned before i might of got unbanned as i have never been banned for things like that before. 6 months away from a community such as this one is not very good for a serious role player like myself! 

I've seen loads of appeals where players have been unbanned after being banned for wrong reasons. Just scroll through a load of the accepted appeals and you're guaranteed that at least 1/5 of them are false bans. 

That's a reasonable suggestion to be fair. The idea of having to wait an amount of time and then still having to appeal would add a little bit of an extra punishment without having to go with the whole 6 months. I still believe that people should have to appeal each ban but giving somewhat of a cooldown for certain things might be an interesting idea on a case by case basis.

Only problem I see is that I just don't know how you would decide. Many now established members got banned on their first day for breaking RP or whatever and were forced to make their appeal and read the rules and this lead to them being more involved and knowing the rules better. If you made them wait a month or whatever, would they just leave? If they haven't had time to see the community properly, would they appeal at all? A very good friend of mine was banned on one of his first days on the server for VDM and is now staff in the NHS and part of a big gang and very well know around the community but if he hadn't been given that second chance straight away, we probably wouldn't have hung around.

On the flipside, would you say that the cooldowned bans would only be for established members to teach them a lesson because at that point it was probably a mistake and is an unnecessary punishment. I really have no idea how you would implement this so it's still a no from me but fair enough for actually suggesting an alternative instead of complaining.

As a side note, there are 100% some false positives but when you are banned it is probably a poor choice to go around telling people you were "falsely banned" twice, as the pattern there is you rather than anything else.

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@CST TomTheDoge

The admins could probably come up with some way of implementing this into the banning system, like how the admins that deal with the bans can decide how long the ban is ect. Like if the player get's banned for the first time for making a genuin mistake then the current banning system works fine but for players like myself then the suggestion that i made would work perfectly! the admin decides on how long the ban should be! I mean it could end up that i have to wait longer than 6 months if the admin is really mean but it could shorten it by a month which would be amazing! because i think that i shouldn't be banned for 6 months for literally leaving the server. 

You're right, i shouldn't go around telling everyone i got falsely banned twice but as i know that they were both false i have no problem with telling people. 

I think for a community that doesnt require you to apply, or be whitelisted to play, the current policy of ban first and appeal later works just fine. The only requirement being that the player actually follow the rules isn't a big ask in my opinion.

As for being unbanned and set a punishment - plenty of players are given the option of community service to enroll with a whitelisted faction such as BA or the NHS in order to give something back before they can go back to their normal role which i think is more than fair.

If you play here and you want to stay here, then all you need to do is stick to the rules and procedures.

I mean just looking at your stats page @Trank you were banned for Metagaming, Abusing Staff, and Combat Logging, with nearly a ban a month. How many chances and timed bans do you want? It used to be one chance and you were gone.

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The only bans that actual make a dent into my record is the first two which was when i first joined, that was metagaming and abusing a staff member. That's bad but that shouldn't make an impact on me getting banned for 6 months simply because i left the server. I think you're focusing on my past rather than the actual suggestion, Open your mind up and actually think "would this work" instead of thinking straight up "this won't work". 

I stick to the rules 99% of the time. I can guarantee right now if i joined the teamspeak you wouldn't be able to say every single rule there is in depth. It's almost impossible! It's not even like i try to hide what i do wrong i mean i got banned because i admitted to it, i could of sat there and lied and no one would of knew but i admitted to it! If i do something wrong, i accept it and i accept the punishment unless the punishment is completely over the top like my current one.

This isn't about my ban anyway, it's about my suggestion!

Adding to that, a ban a month?!?! I haven't had a genuine ban since 3 months ago? meaning i do learn from my mistakes? My most recent ban is the only genuine one since those? so i don't know where you got that information from...


The only bans that actual make a dent into my record is the first two which was when i first joined, that was metagaming and abusing a staff member. That's bad but that shouldn't make an impact on me getting banned for 6 months simply because i left the server. I think you're focusing on my past rather than the actual suggestion, Open your mind up and actually think "would this work" instead of thinking straight up "this won't work". 

I stick to the rules 99% of the time. I can guarantee right now if i joined the teamspeak you wouldn't be able to say every single rule there is in depth. It's almost impossible! It's not even like i try to hide what i do wrong i mean i got banned because i admitted to it, i could of sat there and lied and no one would of knew but i admitted to it! If i do something wrong, i accept it and i accept the punishment unless the punishment is completely over the top like my current one.

This isn't about my ban anyway, it's about my suggestion!
Of course it should have an impact - player history is a big factor in the ban process. Wouldn't you want serial rule breakers banned? 

I've already stated i don't think it would work because it provides no incentive for someone to appeal and change if all they have to do is wait for a timer to expire and they're unbanned. I get banned for RDMing someone at a drug dealer, i get banned, i appeal and get told "oh you'll have to wait 2 months to be unbanned" "ok sweet, see you then homies" i just go play something else and dont have to worry about it. That doesnt make any sense to me. 

I'm sure i couldnt recite the rules from heart either, but you can keep the basic big ones under your hat. Serious RP, dont be immature, dont kill everyone you meet, dont ram people with cars, remember the NLR timer, and dont abuse people or the community. IMO they mostly boil down to 'be a decent player'.

But yes as for the suggestion - no from me - current system works fine and weeds out those with no desire to integrate!


you're looking at this from a very biased point of view, try opening your mind up for new ideas. read my replies to @CST TomTheDoge and you might actually open your mind for a new idea. You saying " I've already stated i don't think it would work because it provides no incentive for someone to appeal and change if all they have to do is wait for a timer to expire and they're unbanned. I get banned for RDMing someone at a drug dealer, i get banned, i appeal and get told "oh you'll have to wait 2 months to be unbanned" "ok sweet, see you then homies" i just go play something else and dont have to worry about it. That doesnt make any sense to me."

You can replace that with "oh i got banned for 2 months... that means i can't play the server. I'll read the rules to make sure i don't get banned again." what you're saying can be replaced with other thoughts so you need to stop being so biased, you probably don't like me which is why you're not being very open minded about this. 


you're looking at this from a very biased point of view, try opening your mind up for new ideas. read my replies to @CST TomTheDoge and you might actually open your mind for a new idea. You saying " I've already stated i don't think it would work because it provides no incentive for someone to appeal and change if all they have to do is wait for a timer to expire and they're unbanned. I get banned for RDMing someone at a drug dealer, i get banned, i appeal and get told "oh you'll have to wait 2 months to be unbanned" "ok sweet, see you then homies" i just go play something else and dont have to worry about it. That doesnt make any sense to me."

You can replace that with "oh i got banned for 2 months... that means i can't play the server. I'll read the rules to make sure i don't get banned again." what you're saying can be replaced with other thoughts so you need to stop being so biased, you probably don't like me which is why you're not being very open minded about this. 
My mind is open to new ideas - but i think this is a bad idea. Not all new ideas are good ones. The current system works fine, and has worked fine since it's inception.

Yes you can replace that with "I'll read the rules to make sure i don't get banned again." which they indicate on their appeal, if they break the rules again - then they get banned permanently. I'm not being biased, and I havent once said that i dislike you. I just dont think there's any alteration to the ban system required as it serves it's purpose well.

I could argue that you're biased as you've been banned multiple times that you would be in favour of a shorter ban time or altered system. All I've said is I don't agree with your suggestion, nothing personal about it.

I'm not biased at all? I agree that people need banning but to make the banning system more complex would be better for the players! especially players like me!
