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Ban on Lukas Graham 30-nov-24 23:30 (Denied)

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Active member
Hello this evening was playing with my friend on the main altislife server. We were doing our jobs as bandits and (robbing people/stations)

We then arrived at Kavala which there was a huge roadblock, with my around 500k bounty, i decided to not drive with my friend (my friend was driving). I saw some people get arrested, but that's not the point. I then decided that if i was to play a better bandit i would rob a police officer. In which i did, i spotted him alone and knocked him down. Stole about 170k money, and since my friend (Martin) didn't have any bounty on him i decided to give him the money so he could transfer them to the closest Cashpoint/atm. 

I on the other hand decided to hide since there was a huge wave of police officers coming searching for me. I avoided shooting any NHS at all cost. I tried to run away but some cops found me so i didn't have any other choice but to hide and try to fight back. 

The same happened that some policeofficers restrained my friend (they thought he shoot them) So i decide to put a few bullet into the cop so he would know it's not him. I tried once again to run away but noticed some cops once again. So i tried to hide the most obvious place possible, which the admin noticed. I got shot and banned.

I've read all the rules and can clearly understand if the admin thought it was RDM, but it wasn't.

I know you can read moneylogs, and then i can be proven innocent. 

Rule 5: Rest of Altis

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times. 

Since i stole money from a police officer and am a bandit, i do not consider this "not RP". 

I would ask if you do not consider this a false ban?

Please if anybody was witness to the scene please prove my innocent. 

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I was the individual who banned you. I teleported into Kavala, to which I noticed the road black and approached it. Out of absolutely no where without any announcement an officer was killed in front of me, to which I felt constituted as an RDM attack and felt a ban would be sufficient.

Please allow me to view the video as its currently set to private.

After reviewing the video I still cannot see any role play involved. Do you have any recording prior to the shown events?


The video does not reveal the whole story, but i was going to try to message u in game/use sidechat, but that would only follow in my actually breaking a rule. I fully understand that u thought it was RDM, that was my first thought too. I cannot prove my first part of the story, since shadowplay is set to only record 3 minutes.

U can check my moneylog, that's the only way + u can ask the officers what the whole scene was about

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Ok i dont'know if it's me you are talking about but about 10/20 min before you killed the other police officer i was randomly knocked down by somebody (no rp at all, just came up to me and knocked me down) and then when i got up the chap who knocked me down was alerady gone....I'm not really sure but knocking people down without any rp is still considered RDM...

I am sorry if you feel like that's what happened. Those were not my intentions. I was trying to blend in with the crowd, you actually had vision of me all the time. Well i asked my gang member to do a intentional car check, so someone would stand alone and i could be able to rob them. ( in this case it became you). since i considered this a sneak attack i would not scream out sneak attack. 


I understand that u find it random since you were not involved in any of the planning.

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You do know you at least have to open some kind of dialogue with people before initiating any kind of combat/robbery? You "planning" it does not constitute an initiation of RP. It shows you clearly dont understand how seriously we take roleplay here. I am hoping you post something to change our mind.

Sir Vladic, i remembered saying "You're getting robbed" before i knocked him down, but i understand the lack of roleplay even with that sentence. I understand your how serious you take roleplaying, and i apoligize for my lack of roleplay in the pre-screne. I will try to make it better next time. But It means that i am proven innocent in the RDM case, which was what got me banned right?

Sir Vladic, i remembered saying "You're getting robbed" before i knocked him down, but i understand the lack of roleplay even with that sentence. I understand your how serious you take roleplaying, and i apoligize for my lack of roleplay in the pre-screne. I will try to make it better next time. But It means that i am proven innocent in the RDM case, which was what got me banned right?
Robbing one officer doesn't give you the right to 10 minutes later randomly shoot and kill another officer who had no idea who, what or where you were.

Since the scene wasn't pulled back, and there were police officers running around (looking for me) i have no intentions to presume that the scene is over. And i think him not knowing where i am is the point of hiding wouldn't you agree?

The video i posted you can hear my friend on skype saying "there is a weapon in it" which means he's under search, and at the last part of the video you see my browsing through my phone to have a chance to explain the situation to the admind that shot me, but i was instantly banned without chance. And at 1:03 in the video you can the storm guy still looking for me, while other police are handeling an arrest. 0:23 you hear a policemen say "omg take cover this could be a dangerous mission" refering the the stolen money scene. I do not find this ban fair at all.

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Banned without chance ? you do understand we give plenty of chance by displaying our rules in such detail.

I find the ban fair... this is a serious roleplay community and it sounds like you do not understand roleplay...

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I sincerely apolgizy for my lack of roleplay skills, I am new to this kind of gaming (played for less than a week). So i can still improve my roleplay skills, I wish to contribute to the server once i've done my learning. I wish to recieve another chance on behalf of me and my other 4 friends that also plays on this server. I enjoy playing on it and this kind of lack of roleplay will not occur again. That i do promise. 

Rules i've broken due to lack of roleplay skills

Rule 5: Rest of Altis

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times. 

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I've read the ruleset severel times, and understand that my actions were wrong 

My id and other nessesary things are written above.

I knew I heard gun shots! I couldn't find you haha and then when I came back my fellow Police officer was being knocked out! Instant rubber bullet and restraint, after that we presumed he was you haha. I'm surprised you didn't kill me you sneaky devil :p

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