We're having one or two difficulties convincing our hosting company that there is a genuine problem with the visibility and join-ability of the server from Steam vs Gamespy, and they're promising to fix it. In the meantime, it means that Server 2 is very often not full, and sometimes even splits the playerbase away from server 1 if people get confused. Our policy intention is to open Server 2 only when Server 1 is full or very nearly, but this of course requires some poor sap (me or Wilco) to be watching 24/7 to see when this is. So, for the time being, while the access to S2 is sketchy, it's not going to get top priority.
It's also worth noting that whilst the two servers are running simultaneously, they will generate individually unique sets of ban information, which ultimately all needs merging back into both servers as soon as possible (or else griefers just switch from one server to the other and repeat their crimes). This is a problem that we've not yet found a solution for, so it takes a lot of painstaking work to sync the bans manually. Not worth it, if there are only a few players on the server in the evening, really.
Finally, we have the issue of police policy and admin availability. The cops are still working out how best to populate a second server, so that we don't get a situation of 'cop max out' on one server plus a lawless frontier on the other. Likewise, there are only a few admins, so running two servers at once is a quite demanding on those individuals, who don't get paid, and sometimes have a life beyond Altis. We're at their mercy, if we want an environment that doesn't just turn into a deathmatch-fest.
We are continuing to look at the situation though. We've not given up on Server 2, though - but it will probably be available only 'as necessary', and only when we have the customer-base, manpower and resources to ensure it's still going to be a quality play environment.