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Aye! Aye! Calm down! Calm down!

There certainly is some drama going on and would agree(not that anyone cares :) ) that quite a bit of SHOULD be hidden as it's poisonous to the community and new joiners. I find myself immune to it now but there was a time I'd judge a server by the forums, which I know isn't the right way to go about things but I was stupid(er) back then :)

Here's my kiss ass bit though, I've been here for around a week or so now and:

Great server, fantastic people who work hard to keep it running, Excellent RP from NHS/Police/Taxis/ARAC! I've made a good friend since joining and every night we come across some sort of drama(RP DRAMA!!!) that makes me giggle like a school girl and that hasn't happened in a long time of gaming.

So thank you all and Merry Christmas! x
