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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Getting "Busted" by 3 of her majesty's finest sat on a rock, in the water next to Lord Sandisk...at HM Treasury...AWKWARD!

Not sure why the Lord Sandisk insisted I join him on "his" rock but I'm grateful the Police intervened before he could engage me in anything that would potentially leave me limping for a week (He has a very odd vegetable fetish).

It was a lovely moment though. Gotta love that bat shit crazy Lord. Night all.

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The thing that struck me most about his Lordship was the totally deadpan way he responded to my questions about him being on HM The Queen's property with the line about her being his cousin aunty. My first reaction was that he was making it up, but knowing what I know about the aristocracy, there is every chance he was completely right on both counts!

I think on balance we all had a narrow squeak there. Good job that the night-time curfew cut in when it did. I shall be wary of marrows for a long time yet, I feel...

Indeed...another 5 minutes of that business and who knows what could of happened... Sandisk has long insisted the queen is his "cousin aunty" and perhaps she is, I think we'd all agree...He is quite regal.

Something tells me this won't be the last bizarre encounter we have with Lord Sandisk.

^^ Honestly...it just happens, he genuinely is bat-shit crazy, we often don't know what he's doing until he does it. I'm sure Lord Sandisk will keep us all entertained on his quest to regain his throne.

He is almost too regal sometimes. 

^^ Honestly...it just happens, he genuinely is bat-shit crazy, we often don't know what he's doing until he does it. I'm sure Lord Sandisk will keep us all entertained on his quest to regain his throne.
I look forward to reading/seeing the escapades Lord Sandisk and his loyal yet slight unhinged subjects everyday it gets me through work :D    
