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Aviation rules


My question is about the rule

[SIZE=medium](2.13) Please keep all aviation 300m above any greenzone or Kavala, Athira & Pyrgos unless landing in a marked landing area. (This is to make sure any roleplay is not disturbed). [/SIZE]

I thought that rule was kinda straight forward. When you fly over Kavala, Pyrgos, Athira or greenzones stay above 300 meters unless you are landing in the marked zones, so you keep the interuption of RP to a minimum. So I can land anywhere else on the map and fly low when not in the specified areas.

But today I heard a different reading of this rule. This was that you can't land anywhere except the marked landing zones, and that you had fly at 300meters or above if you were close to an area with houses.

In my case I was flying a Heuron from Iron mine, to Iron prosessor and then to the trader. I am not near any greenzone or any highly populated areas. The dealer is close to kavala, but I am not disrupting any RP in kavala by landing at the trader.

Did I read the rule correct or did I break them when doing an iron run in a helicopter?


You're not breaking any rules by doing that. Marked landing area basically means like the Kavala Airport for instance. The rule is in place so that people don't hover 20m off the Kavala Greenzone and disturb anyone's RP

No you didnt, the rule is there to prevent people fucking about over Kavala, Athira etc. You can land where you want to except the prison, bank and cities like Athira, Agios and Kavala without any issues with the police, except if you are believed to be apart of a gang of suspects. Anyways, as long as you are flying you will recieve a text from the police before actions are taken, if not it is rdm. The worst thing that can happen if you do so is that your helicopter will be scrapped and you may get a ticket. If you actually troll to ruin roleplay in for example Kavala, admins might take action such as kicking you or deleting your heli when you fly it.


" Did I read the rule correct or did I break them when doing an iron run in a helicopter? "

No you didnt break the rule(law)

No you didnt, the rule is there to prevent people fucking about over Kavala, Athira etc. You can land where you want to except the prison, bank and cities like Athira, Agios and Kavala without any issues with the police, except if you are believed to be apart of a gang of suspects. Anyways, as long as you are flying you will recieve a text from the police before actions are taken, if not it is rdm. The worst thing that can happen if you do so is that your helicopter will be scrapped and you may get a ticket. If you actually troll to ruin roleplay in for example Kavala, admins might take action such as kicking you or deleting your heli when you fly it.


" Did I read the rule correct or did I break them when doing an iron run in a helicopter? "

No you didnt break the rule(law)
This is not what I have been experiencing myself so far. Not a day goes without me witnessing a pilot who landed in the middle of nowhere to be threatened to get his helicopter scrapped.

This is also the reason I gave up using a helicopter to collect information for the Altis News. Whenever I would land somewhere where I spotted a group of rebels and police roleplaying (of course in a manner that would not interrupt rp - meaning landing in an appropriate distance and as quickly as possible so I can turn the engine off) an officer would run up to me and tell me to f*ck off. Press membership was also made apparent by wearing the appropriate clothing, so I should have been identified as non-hostile.

Also on helis hovering at permitted altitude:

I do agree with the majority of points here. If a heli is hovering less than 300m above Kavala call an admin if available, but shooting a heli down above a city? Probably not the best idea anyway ;)

As I said I think a new system to message/radio helicopters would make it easier.

Let me give a situation:

An Orca is landing at military compound, with no idea of anything happening down there. At 2-5m from the ground the police open fire,with some bullets hitting the heli and others coming scarily close. The heli moves to a good distance away and climbs to minimum lawful altitude where he continues to recieve shots.

I think this is excessive where they could have roleplayed or even just told him to leave when he landed. This happened to me a while back.

Its not always what happens its the way it happens. Even if everyone decides the procedure stated is correct, then it is not being followed correctly.

Should tell him to fuck off, unless you are preventing the cause of justice etc. Say it is the middle of the Salt Lake, you wont be in trouble landing there
It can be argued, that I am distracting the officers. Other than that there is no reason to believe that a reporter (in full press outfit) has any other interest than reporting on what is going on.

How about somewhere along the highway (No major towns nearby)?

It can be argued, that I am distracting the officers. Other than that there is no reason to believe that a reporter (in full press outfit) has any other interest than reporting on what is going on.

How about somewhere along the highway (No major towns nearby)?
As long as you dont block roads or are a danger to the traffic you should not be told to leave if landing outside a town. Short 'n sweet, if it isnt in a town or blocking something ie. a road, or are being involved in crime, they have no reason to impound or scrap your helicopter.
