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available garages / houses


Active member
Hi guys,

I got a simple (or is it?) question.

Is there a way to see what garage is still available on the map of altis? I know there are many houses still available but garages seem to be all taken. I flew arround with a hummingbird scouting out some small villages but they are all sold there.

This is a realy time consuming attempt to scout for garages and for all i know there isn't any left.

What is the policy to make garages available again for persons who bought in the past but got perma banned or stopped playing? Do they become avaiable again after some time of inactivity?

Any help for an answer to this is apreciated as im trying to locate a garage + house to settle down.



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Many have asked, generally this suggestion gets ignored, never seen any official feedback on any of the threads

Quoting:"After 3 months of inactivity or a permanent ban, the players houses and garages become availavle again

Source: Why gourvo was banned

This answers 50% of the question even though its better then nothing :)

The other 50% = if there is a way to tell how many are available?. Perhaps an admin can see this and keep a forum topic with: "Garages available 10". Then update it on a weekly / monthly basis, + locations would be preferable like what town etc.

It's allot to ask but probably going to be a hot topic.


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