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ATWA camping calling it roleplay

There are about 5 outposts and A.T.W.A are only camping one. Use common sense and use a different one, maybe then they will get bored and do something else.
At least somebody came up and make good advice.. I'm clapping you because of you have the highest IQ level than these complainers..


Pyrgos Rebel Post's entracne fee is 20.000 GPB. If you gonna pay it, 

The problem is u do not offer this chance to anyone that comes to the pyrgos outpost because u RDM everything and anything before they get the chance to talk or pay u the money. . . .  so again u are showing how full of shit u are. . . . . . 

If u actually role played and did fine people for using pyrgos i dont think there would be mulitple threads of u arseholes RDM'ing ppl. . . . . . . . people here do not care that u are camping/claiming Pyrgos for ATWA. . . . people here are pissed off cause u are doing it with no RP at all yet u claim to be elite rp'ers

Start fining ppl to use pyrgos like u say instead of RDM'ing 24/7 and actually try to roll play it being your outpost and im sure u will find that the threads and ppl flaming u will stop. 

Just to clarify, from an admin's point of view.

There is no requirement to roleplay in the Red Zone. It was created intentionally to allow civilian and rebel people to do what they wanted, without rules. Because they'd asked for this, and because the ruleset was tightening up in the 'lawful west' of the island.

If you don't want to be shot WITHOUT WARNING, WITHOUT ROLEPLAY, WITHOUT A CHANCE.... then don't go into the Red Zone. Anywhere. Anytime.

The Red Zone is a dangerous place. Lunatics live there. Ordinary people struggle there. Rebels try to carve out patches of land there, and sometimes fail, because they die very quickly. Death hurts. Death sucks, some would say. And they'd be right.

But that's the problem with a lawless, uncontrolled, deadly-dangerous frontier like the Red Zone. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

There are, you may have noticed, plenty of military-style encampments available for holing-up in, on the Western side of the map. If there is sufficient demand, I might even be motivated to put the odd rebel shop or garage in some of them. But of course, if I do, then these bases WILL have a roleplay requirement on them. RDM will be a crime there. Large guns WILL be illegal, so the cops might well march in and try to remove them all (but of course, they may end up dead, if the RP goes down that way). But at least those would be 'roleplayed' rebel bases.

The ones you have on the east side Red Zone now, most definitely ARE NOT roleplay-requirement bases. They are intended to sort out the men from the boys; the campers from the RPers, the lunatics from the asylum-runners. They are here - for now - and they may remain, though the size of the Red Zone may change, according to planned events on the server in the future, or the strength of demand for changes, etc.

So please... let's not hear any more 'he camped me' nonsense about the Red Zone. It's what it is *for*.

If the end game for the red zone on the server is for it just to be a place where all the retards go to RDM and VDM i find this really sad. . . . . .

I thought the red zone was to be Rebel controlled for RP aspects so rebels could RP taxing civs and or police coming into the area, running illegal business safely away from police, working together to take on the corrupt Altis government, Rebels gangs taking over parts of the Red zone (With proper RP and wars ofc if anyone wants to contest a group doing this) and or whatever.This is a serious RP server/community so whether u are in the Red zone or Green zone or Gray zone RP should be FIRST!

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HB, I agree, it would be sad if the Red Zone *did* just degrade into RDM/VDM fest with no RP whatsoever. At that point, we'd probably run a cop-event to retake control over the zone and re-establish Queen's Law throughout the land again.

However, the RDM/VDM 'freedom' was a deliberate loosening of the server-rules in response to calls from players... and threats from some of them that if they didn't have an area where they could swank around in Ifrits or wave their massive rifles around and look devilishly important, then they would quit the server.

The RZ has *always* been experimental. It's always been an arena in which the psycho-scientists like me and Wilco (and a few others) have been watching to see how the guinea-pigs play; whether it turns into Lord of the Flies, or whether some kind of order or control becomes established by the players acting on their own free will.

But it's also always been OPTIONAL to spawn there, precisely so that there can be no moaning about RP/RDM/VDM in the RZ.

In an ideal world, there would always been RP, even in the Red Zone. Any sort of spawncamping and RDM gets old pretty fast, and is a pretty boring way of 'playing' a game, imho. But at least the level of RDM/VDM in some of the western areas has decreased - and even where it hasn't, it's a bloody sight easier to spot, and to deal with pre-emptively now. So some good has come from the RZ experiment, in any event...

These are happened coz police captive operations is forbidden. In GreenZone everything was more enjoyeble. We need to Police vs. Rebel conflicts. When the opportunites is ended we just started to kill eachother. 

These are happened coz police captive operations is forbidden. In GreenZone everything was more enjoyeble. We need to Police vs. Rebel conflicts. When the opportunites is ended we just started to kill eachother. 
Because Shooting cops and taking them hostage is the only thing rebels can do in terms of RP..? What.

Red zone is so boring, i stay clear of it all the times. All it is is rdm and vdm with absolutely no roleplay what so ever. If you ask me make rdm and vdm bannable again in it, but make it so cops can be shot on sight? I mean its a rebel area... As for atwa the camping thing, not a problem go to another outpost. The problem is if you meet them outside of redzone they will just rdm you anyway. And new life rules outside of red zone dont mean anything to them

PanFritz - proof of those claims, please, or it didn't happen. Specifically - RDM and NLR-breaching outside of red-zone. Prove them to me, and I will ban. Anyone.

I talked to them also. They said something about taxing coke processing. When i was there, i got in a fight(lost cause 1v4-6) and after long chat they said they were going to tax people or something.They said they want to rule the land.

Today again after 2 weeks of camping the ATWA keeps camping the outpost . they told everyone they would be taxing players everytime you would use pygros outpost, fine enough i guess.  but this is not what they are doing ! they are shooting anyone that is passing throught no matter what , no taxing .no roleplaying nothing 90% of those guys dont even speak english . let's stop this guys come on ! camping all day and killing unarmed people WTF! where is the challenge in that ? why are you even in a roleplaying community ? go play COD or something where camping dosen't make you seem like a duche, ohh wait if you camp in COD makes  game it seems like you are a duche too! 
Lets just say the T.L.S showed them how to camp after we ran them out of the Pygro Outpost tonight ;)
