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Attempted RDM Bubbles-Daniel Bauermann

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Daniel Bauermann steam_id=76561198001355835
Bubbles steam_id=76561198071494438
Time & Date this happened:
22:00  12/02/15
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 1
Description of what happened:
Was in the car, with a my gang member on my way to kavala, when I saw a police car infront about 300M told my friend to drive around it as I got 300k bounty and it was my car he was driving.
So we drove off road around the road block, as we got on to the road the 2 person above opened fire, at the car nearly killing me.
When question inside chat about it they tried to say they tried to shot the ties. seeing as I got hit more then once with the bullets that's is a lie. Also shooting a car with no RP is also RDM.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Attempted RDM

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)


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Hi, I am Daniel Bauermann. We were set up around there with some guys and you skipped our roadblock. We shouted after you to stop and then you didn't, so we decided to open fire on the wheels. You say we lied about shooting on the wheels, I guarantee you we did aim for them. That you got hit, is unfortunate. You might have also noticed that we did NOT keep shooting untill you died. After you crossed a certain line away from us, we ceased because we know from longer distance the chance is bigger of casualties.

I am sorry you got hit by our bullets. I am almost certain they weren't mine, as I was armed with a pistol. I was only responding in chat since it was my group being confronted with accusations.

As anyone watching my Video will see, there is nothing said by you.  If you have a video that shows you shouting out these commands I would love for you to upload it, once upload for and I see it I will redraw my report if not the report will still stand.

Also I got hit in the passenger seat, if you guy was shooting the wheels as you say you was, how would I get hit, more then once?

I am not someone who records all the time, maybe some of the others does. Anyhow, my browser is fucking up so i cant watch your video. Anyway, you reported my name just for saying something to reply to you in sidechat, and you got one other name with using the metagame key (not accusing for rulebreak don't care), thing is, there is no way to establish if I hit you, or someone else.. But yeah, you got hit, it looks bad, and you got two names, so gg for rushing those two names on the forums.

Also, very interesting you say you tried to resolve it, as you didn't.. You said something in sidechat, to which I replied. That is not trying to solve anything, at least not in my book.

Let us see what the admins decide. I got no video from our side, so nothing more to add.. except.. Do you really think that IF we wanted to RDM you, you or your driver would have survived?..

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Metagaming? If you break the rules, there nothing wrong with the person using the scroll key after you have broken the rules to get the name to report. and yes I reported you name from your reply inside chat, as your reply side chat confirmed you tried to RDM us.

As you said anyways the admin can see the video, and decide.

Metagaming? If you break the rules, there nothing wrong with the person using the scroll key after you have broken the rules to get the name to report. and yes I reported you name from your reply inside chat, as your reply side chat confirmed you tried to RDM us.

As you said anyways the admin can see the video, and decide.
I already said I wasnt using that term as a accusation as you only used it to obtain names for a report. What I am questioning is how can you know who was involved? You used that key, got one name and added mine because I replied in sidechat. The name you picked off could just has well been a hostage of ours who had nothing to do with it, you have no background info on it, just that name. My reply in sidechat confirmed we tried to shoot your wheels. You are getting quite annoying now, continueing to insist we tried to RDM you after I explained it was aimed at the wheels. If we wanted to kill you, why on earth would we have stopped shooting? We stopped because you were getting to far away to properly aim for the wheels. So now maybe you should go and actually play the game instead of report 20 people a day.. You must get really bored, or you are just angry because maybe you were banned yourself once and now feel everyone needs to be reported and banned.

Lets leave it to the admins, as you are apparantly way to immature to reply to me on topic. Proof of that 1) I already said I wasnt accusing you of metagaming, i only use the word ''metagamekey'' to relate to the key you used to spot names, and above I explained why that is a not so good way to get proof on someone. Yet your reply jumps straight into defensive move over the word ''metagame'' 2) You keep insisting I or we tried to RDM you even after our explanation was made very clear and state we were trying to aim for the wheels. I provided you with reasons why it wouldn't make sense if we had tried to kill you in that situation. I will add some more. We are all members of a WHITELISTED unit. That does NOT give us any special treatment, so if i HAD rdmed you I would have been banned.. But you really think I or any of the others would risk that privileged position to ''RMD" you in your car at our roadblock? You somehow grant yourself a status of such importance that it would actually be worth for any of us to get banned over, just to get a chance to kill you? And o yeah, can't say it often enough.. If we had wanted you dead, this report wouldn't have been for attempted rdm..

Get a grip on yourself mate. Seriously.

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Hello Bamfon, I was the other person, Bubbles, who you included in your report.

You had swooshed by the roadblock (I was standing near a house next to it) without me even knowing that you had gotten past it. The other thing is you were way too far out for me to take a shot once back on the main road. Now, I had a vermin but I would not have been able to take your tires out from that distance, so I didn't even try. And also we weren't just two guys, around 5-6 guys spread out along the road.

So perhaps you should not jump to conclusion as soon as you see a name pop up?

Too bad we couldn't solve this ingame or over teamspeak, because your meaning of trying to solve something is not the same as mine.

That's all. Hope this gets sorted.

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The whole reason the metagaming key isn't blocked, is to get a name of an RDM/VDMer (at least as far as I know...).

In this Video, you saw a checkpoint, and decided to go around it, it's a form of roleplay... you even mentioned your bounty so you were avoiding it. They then opened fire, and managed to hit you when shooting at tires, again, I can see that happening, but you didn't die, instead you crashed your car, got out, and started pointing guns back....

I'll also point after the bullet went through the window, the gunfire ended.....

Report Rejected, Bubbles and Daniel Bauermann need to check their direct chat distance, and practice rangefinding.

You need to stop avoiding roadblocks without expecting consequences for your actions.

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