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You won't fly. Within 5 min this thing is going to be disabled in game I guarantee it... Fucking trolls.

You won't fly. Within 5 min this thing is going to be disabled in game I guarantee it... Fucking trolls.
People keep saying that, but why would they disable it, obviously it'll get abused and the person will be banned, that's no reason to remove something which would make the server more fun. It's the same as the go-karts, people don't use them on the track, like they should but they make the server much more fun, the same with the addition of more weapons for rebels, they don't need it but it made it more fun for them. There is no reason to remove anything that I cant think of from the new update in my opinion.

Maybe white list pilots for certain vehicles,

Heli bird available to all on normal license, advanced Pilot license costs 500k

Consistent or major breach of the rules = removal of license and vehicles removed.

Don't forget there is an armed offroad that doesn't get abused

just think twice rebels when robbing the treasury the ghost hawk cannot engage ground target but the gunboat can,

Picture this,

you in the treasury dome and you look towards the entrance and see a gunboat lowering with the minigun pointed at you, 2000 rounds incoming in less than 1 minute.


You won't fly. Within 5 min this thing is going to be disabled in game I guarantee it... Fucking trolls.
Not if they set the price right. I'm a donator and wouldn't blame them if they didn't put it in the donator store to keep it high.

High price means the trolls won't be able to get their hands on it

You're official non rule-breaking troll, we are talking about unofficial rule-breaking trolls :p

Trollin' within the reasonable constrictions of the law since '79. 

Not if they set the price right. I'm a donator and wouldn't blame them if they didn't put it in the donator store to keep it high.

High price means the trolls won't be able to get their hands on it
Hope this doesn't happen, it would be going back on the ethos under which the server was based on, Nothing would make me leave quicker than p2w
Hope this doesn't happen, it would be going back on the ethos under which the server was based on, Nothing would make me leave quicker than p2w
Its the opposite to pay to win, by not putting it in the donator store means people would have to spend more in game cash, less people owning it and reducing the amount of trolls with it.
How is, only being able to buy an advanced aircraft possible by spending real money not p2w

This is the exact definition of p2w

Why should I be treated as a troll because I don't part with real money?

You know people part with real money to hack on games too buying multiple copies of the game even.

Your logic is flawed

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There are actual medic variants to this chopper that lie down patients in the back of it. I'm not kidding, look at these:


That medical helicopter would be great for the medics, I can imagine all the injured officers going back to the hospital in one of these

I can imagine every medic flying one of these too :eek:

wonder if they would even fit on the helipad ?

It should fit because the orca is probably bigger and that still fits on the helipad
