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Anyone here use the Corsair M65 gaming mouse


Essex , UK
Need help with how to set up the programable buttons , so if you can own it , please reply and i will ask for some help from you , thanks

- Hoggie

Have you tried YouTube/looking at the manual?

I own a corsair mouse but not the model you listed.

Have you opened up the corsair utility software and ensured it's up to dat? Then you should select the mouse (I have mouse and keyboard by Coraair so I have to select) and there should be an option for buttons/assignments/programmable.

I'll take a look when I get home and I'll PM you how if I figure it out later. (If I remember)

You'll almost certainly need the corresponding software for the mouse from Corsair

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Have you tried YouTube/looking at the manual?

I own a corsair mouse but not the model you listed.

Have you opened up the corsair utility software and ensured it's up to dat? Then you should select the mouse (I have mouse and keyboard by Coraair so I have to select) and there should be an option for buttons/assignments/programmable.

I'll take a look when I get home and I'll PM you how if I figure it out later. (If I remember)
I have read it . checked youtube , tried using it , just doesn't make any sense to me.

@Samatlewiss This is what i am trying to use - http://prntscr.com/9n583t

I have the M65 RGB, what do you need to do? 

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As said here. I have a number of different button profile set up for different games. Fairly easy to use.  E.g all my comms (Direct and TS) are via the mouse thumb buttons 
I have it mate , i have tried using it , but it just does not seem to want too work.

I have the M65 rgb, CUE usually has a few settings which help you set up macros and what not, I've never had a problem with it. Went through hell with my K70 though.

I have the M65 rgb, CUE usually has a few settings which help you set up macros and what not, I've never had a problem with it. Went through hell with my K70 though.
If you wouldnt mind helping me out while on TS , that would be great , some reason it some times works and other times it dont

Sure thing, I'll make sure to try and catch you on TS later today!
Thanks for the offer mate, by its all good now because of DeeJay's video.

Take a look at this, i just recorded a short video - see if that helps

Thanks a lot for the help mate, was trying to get my head around it for a very long time , just really wasnnt working for me, thanks a lot.

- Hoggie

P.Sand dont delete the video , i will probably need to rewatch it multiple times , thanks :)

Thanks for the offer mate, by its all good now because of DeeJay's video.

Thanks a lot for the help mate, was trying to get my head around it for a very long time , just really wasnnt working for me, thanks a lot.

- Hoggie

P.Sand dont delete the video , i will probably need to rewatch it multiple times , thanks :)
No worries,  as long as it helped. I planned to get on TS last night,  but got sidetracked packing for a family holiday this weekend.
