It's coming on nicely...
I decided it was better to adopt the new Altis Life 3.1.4 framework that Tonic has developed lately, and graft all my changes (made to his original 3.1.2 framework) on to it.
This is a long slog. It boils down to:
1 - compare every single file in raw, original 3.1.2 with every single file in our modified version
2 - find the equivalent file in 3.1.4 (if it exists; some of them have moved or been integrated with other files) and then graft just the differences between 3.1.2 and my version, onto the 3.1.4 file.
3 - add in any totally new files that I made for our 3.1.2-based version, modifying them again to make them work with 3.1.4's mindset.
4 - upload and test like a mofo!
I have yet to go through whether the existing player database will just smoothly update itself once I've added slots for the NHS (and housing and gangs), or whether it will need further conversion, but I'll cross that minefield once my boots have exploded.
With luck, this might all be ready sometime next week. We shall see. I am working constantly on it at the moment, hence my not being present on the server, TS or forum much lately. They're all too distracting, and my work-rate plummets when I get dragged into ban, whitelisting, tech-support and other adminny-type things. I'm a 'proper man' - I can't multitask. Fuck, I can barely task!
See you on the other side. Keep hoping and praying...