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Any news on Nhs


Only job i ever wanted to be was Paramedic Anyone else Looking Forward to being a .... Doctor with me

The news is..... Its coming soon


I hope people haven't already been selected. Would be good if it was application based.

The news is..... Its coming soon
Grrr!, If you have nothing useful to say then stay away!  :p

Joking... not really!

Anyways looking forward to see it being added, i'll definatly signup for it!

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Grrr!, If you have nothing useful to say then stay away!  :p

Joking... not really!

Anyways looking forward to see it being added, i'll definatly signup for it!
I can confirm it will be application based and with no lower age limit if the person applying is mature and good at roleplaying a Dr./Medic

More near the time.

Dr. Mr. Grumpy, its got a ring to it! Now who wants to be my first patient?

Seeing as I am the poor bastard charged with retro-fitting this abortion called medics back into the soft underbelly of Altis Life 3.1.2, I ought to step forward and tell you that it is a real shitty job and we are looking at timings in the order of weeks, rather than hours. Maybe days if I'm lucky, but I'm not promising anything.

The codebase we're looking to 'retro-fit' is from 3.1.3 Altis Life... but our existing game-core is mostly still 3.1.2, which complicates matters. We are a *long* way off the development path that was 3.1.2, having customised and fixed a great many things that were either wrong, missing, or not-working in 3.1.2, so adding the medics is not just a case of 'drop-in'.

There are changes necessary to the structure of the normal players (civs and cops) in order to enable a compatible 'death-sequence' so they can be revived - and this interferes with 3.1.2's methodology somewhat. Tonic does things differently in 3.1.3 and I am still assessing the impact of these changes. Likewise, the medic 'call' system is not simply a bolt-on to the existing cellphone system, and goes (seemingly) a fair bit deeper and crosses into the same code in places.

There's no point having medics (as a team) on the server if they can't actually interact with dying patients or be called, after all, so all this needs investigating and resolving, and it's not a simple task.

I'm also being continually distracted by other sideshows (the need to inject more and more antihack and script-detection bullshit to trap hackers, which is a bit like trying to catch eels in the ocean, and dealing with the fallout from game-updates that seem to always end up with one side of the community cheering and kissing us while the other half flings shit and wets the bed). That, plus the usual hiccups with the game-server, teamspeak, frame-rates, desync, hosting companies, RDMers, gang-disputes and unban and compensation requests.

Oh - and that bizarrely useless, forgotten sidetrack called 'My Real Life'... which I used to have, but have lost under the carpet somewhere in all the rush.

So. Altis wasn't built in a day. Altis NHS is probably going to be like the English NHS... and take a while and probably fall on its arse the first time. At least you're not paying for Altis NHS thru your taxes, so take some comfort from that.

I'll update again when I know more.

Today's task is antihacks, so don't expect any update for a day or so. Blame the hackers.

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Ed what you are doing is amazing work and I can't find any reason to question your work because it's bloody perfect all the time and I just want to give you this silent applause to you for being such a great man and caring so much about the community but for love of god don't let it go out on your personal life too much mate!

I rejoice. I play medic on another server and it's super job. I want to play medic here.  I'll be waiting :)

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I am totally behind this one. I am and have never been a medic, but I have been revived many times when I played on another server when I started playing Altis Life. It is great fun know that you might be saved if someone can get to you in time. It just adds to the entire rp aspect of the game.

Scroll down to the post from TinyBigJacko yesterday, If all goes well with this version then it already has medics built in, If we go down the route of launching that then about a few days before we will open applications.

For now its on the way, but there is no timeframe we will get it released when its ready and made unique for us :)

It's coming on nicely...

I decided it was better to adopt the new Altis Life 3.1.4 framework that Tonic has developed lately, and graft all my changes (made to his original 3.1.2 framework) on to it.

This is a long slog. It boils down to:

1 - compare every single file in raw, original 3.1.2 with every single file in our modified version

2 - find the equivalent file in 3.1.4 (if it exists; some of them have moved or been integrated with other files) and then graft just the differences between 3.1.2 and my version, onto the 3.1.4 file.

3 - add in any totally new files that I made for our 3.1.2-based version, modifying them again to make them work with 3.1.4's mindset.

4 - upload and test like a mofo!

I have yet to go through whether the existing player database will just smoothly update itself once I've added slots for the NHS (and housing and gangs), or whether it will need further conversion, but I'll cross that minefield once my boots have exploded. :)

With luck, this might all be ready sometime next week. We shall see. I am working constantly on it at the moment, hence my not being present on the server, TS or forum much lately. They're all too distracting, and my work-rate plummets when I get dragged into ban, whitelisting, tech-support and other adminny-type things. I'm a 'proper man' - I can't multitask. Fuck, I can barely task! :)

See you on the other side. Keep hoping and praying...

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Shit - I forgot something...

Of course, Tonic's new mission map features a bunch of new buildings, new locations, and he's completely redeveloped the way that the shops (NPCs) are called - so that will all need converting too. I want to use a lot of his new map-based things, but still keep essentially the same map we had before (long term, minus the red-zones, or at least, massively reducing their size, but we'll need to have a few 'battle events' on the server before that can logically happen on the map).

So yea, there is a fair bit of map-editing work to do on top of all the above.
