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Anti Metagaming (Name Tags)

Do you think removing nametags will improve your experience

  • Yes - Keep Nametags off the server

    Votes: 165 75.7%
  • No - Put them back in (please give a reason)

    Votes: 53 24.3%

  • Total voters
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The King
Legendary Donator
So what do you think so far ?... I have been watching people having a jolly old chat after finding out peoples names.

Unfortunately there are still a few ways around this to find out someones name without asking that will be patched.

The aim is to increase role-play and player interaction while killing meta gaming or as George will say a "meta lifer"

Do you think this will improve your experience or reduce it ?

only way to get a name, is similar to the old way of getting the driver of an vehicle (within metagaming) but name tags doesn't appear above non gang members names. - i liked it for the few seconds i was running around as a civ, before i tried to land on the trawler in Kavala and went boom.... :/

I  think it's great,i just see a small problem, if somebody is flyng an helicopter over a city how can policemen message him to leave,if they cant read is name? And also for reporting,there could be some issues if you cant actually see the guy's name(that is if you take away any chanches of knowing is name against is will).

Civ slot, but whitelisted rebel.. Not all nametags, seemed random. Some cops I could see the names off, some guys we were talking to as well.

Im a little mixed about them right now, ive seen some valid reasons tonight why its not going to work, maybe metagaming needs to be more combat via rules than reinventing the altis wheel.

More discussion needed tomorrow.

Nametags aren't so much the problem, because you only see them from close by. The spot button/tilde key is.. and the fact the name pops up above vehicles as well. Maybe that can be balanced. Not above vehicles, no spot key, but leave nametags for infantry from close by?

I liked it, despite still being able to use the tilde key. The issue is, for example when doing a bank robbery, if we see a helicopter in the air that's police, we don't want it seeing our every move, so we will try take it down, but what if it's a civ? We don't want innocent civs killed without due reason and it feels like an unfair advantage that cops would be able to see the owner of a heli but rebels wouldn't..

Yeah I would say leave the tilde key there, you have to make a consious choice to meta game, but for example without it I wouldn't of known who stole the medical helicopterthe other night.

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In my opinion its fine when its switched off , yesterday after the patch i was playing as a civ and indeed i couldnt see nametaggs but when you just scroll mouse and point to the person you wanna talk with you will see his name anyways

EDIT: After thinking I voted yes.

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I voted for NO because I can see this being abused because oviously you cant report a VDMer or RDMer, but as soon as you got that covered I would change my Vote to YES (So BountyHunters cant abuse it.....)

You CAN report a vdmer or rdmer ....... In the chat the message will be shown who killed you so you just look at that when the video is shown to an admin so...... YES WE CAN !!! Hehehe

Takes away the fun in strolling around and meet ppl you know in town.

The nametag is the identification that different looks have in real life. In the game you don´t have that recognition when looking at someones appearance so you have the names instead so you recognize ppl you know or not know.

If I now see guy with no name tag it´s just an anonymous guy even if I met him and played with him before in game and could have a talk to him about that like:

"hi man, wow we had a really great time before picking apples, where you able to repair your truck after the accident you had on the way to the market?"

Now you will just run past without recognize him at all. Just another anonymous player on the server. I could just rob him even if we are firends in game. I don´t know who he is and he don´t know who I am.

What is the problem from the beginning? The bounty hunters? I guess they must have the tags to be able to capture anyone.

i think it is a great idea so noone can see any name tags would stop all the metagaming of bounty hunters but i can still see tags

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