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Another successful payday

Then returning 15 mins later when the cops forget to lock the vault and taking some extra bars xx
Man after my own heart. 

Police never know how to long things up.

Think i got about 18 Weapons bags yesterday because the doors were wide open.  Let alone how many free bars i have managed to get my hands on over time.

I swear the set up is like an hour and a half to get everyone together, it’s easier to heard sheep than get everyone in og into one place 
So true. I would set setup to atleast 40

You forget the part where someone tries to rob one of us or someone has a dealing with the police while everyone is getting ready so we all head over to sort that out...

Man after my own heart. 

Police never know how to long things up.

Think i got about 18 Weapons bags yesterday because the doors were wide open.  Let alone how many free bars i have managed to get my hands on over time.
It is easy to say "lock the doors". At the HM for example - if we have some luck and do not all die against those 20 rebels with extremly big guns, then we still have to get to the compound, but often there is still somebody inside who waits to shoot us. And if we are not lucky enough to survive, then we can not break the NLR and just go back to lock it up. We will need to wait till we get another message, what means we have to wait 15 minutes and then try to deal with the same people again, who can easily kill us for the second time. Also if you look at the picture, they have 18 people, 8 of them have a lvl 5 vest. Furthermore, I am not able to see all the weapons, but it is atleast 1 zafir, 1 mar10 and a ton of 7.62's/MXSW's. So surviving will not be easy for those 10 MK20's who show up 😉

It is easy to say "lock the doors". At the HM for example - if we have some luck and do not all die against those 20 rebels with extremly big guns, then we still have to get to the compound, but often there is still somebody inside who waits to shoot us. And if we are not lucky enough to survive, then we can not break the NLR and just go back to lock it up. We will need to wait till we get another message, what means we have to wait 15 minutes and then try to deal with the same people again, who can easily kill us for the second time. Also if you look at the picture, they have 18 people, 8 of them have a lvl 5 vest. Furthermore, I am not able to see all the weapons, but it is atleast 1 zafir, 1 mar10 and a ton of 7.62's/MXSW's. So surviving will not be easy for those 10 MK20's who show up 😉
2 zafir total, just the 1 Mar 10. We're running out of guns AR cache hasn't been as good to us recently =p
