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Another successful evening of Hobo Roulette


Well-known member
Gather round folks and tell me, what do the hobos of Kavala love doing more than anything? Why of course, stealing anything that isn't nailed down. The Marmite Miners felt the need to direct this rabid kleptomania into something a little more interesting, and so, Hobo Roulette [SIZE=13.63636302948px]was[/SIZE] born.


The rules, for those who have not yet joined us, are simple. We line up 5 pickups, 2 red, 2 black and one green and you place a bet on which colour, red or black will be stolen first. Green is house wins. We then unlock the vehicles, grab a beer at the Kavala Pub and await our first hobo thief! If you guess right, you'll double your money. Hurrah!

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Haha, i was wondering why there were offroads parked there :D
Fun idea, we had something similar

Gas station roulette:
Shoot one by one on the gasstation until it goes boom.


Haha, i was wondering why there were offroads parked there :D

Fun idea, we had something similar

Gas station roulette:

Shoot one by one on the gasstation until it goes boom.

This takes a surprisingly long time
Hobo roulette is my new favourite player-made minigame, Cutter is a genius in my eyes for making this... really hoping to join in on a game... reckon we should expand the line-up of pickups for larger games? 

Hobo roulette is my new favourite player-made minigame, Cutter is a genius in my eyes for making this... really hoping to join in on a game... reckon we should expand the line-up of pickups for larger games? 
Cheers, and you need to stop landing on bloody roofs for 5 minutes and come and join us!

I think we're going to give it a rest tonight, and we'll have another round tomorrow evening at 9pm. Maybe a bigger game, I'm not sure how that will work, more black and red cars, or maybe a third colour?

Do it with iffrits to see which is the first to scrapped.
Ha, high stakes, if some gangs ever wanted to do a high stakes game against rival gangs with only high bets of something like 1-10 million, this would be the way to do it.

A slightly changed setup last night, we tried to run a game of hobo roulette on server #2, and changed the orientation of the cars. For scientific reasons.


It went well, and a fun night was had by all, we even had entertainment supplied by @Al P. and @MaddogMK




And to end the night, for no apparent reason the trucks decided to explode. Quite the finish if I say so myself. They even had the manners to wait until we had finished.


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