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Another Scotsman has Arrived


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Heyyyy everyone. My name is Sam, I used to be in the city around 4/5 months ago but shite happened and now I am back. I am a 18 year old from Scotland who has been interested in roleplaying with a nice community and I can already tell I have.

I would love to make friends with anyone who is interested.

Have you thought about applying for a faction like Police, gruppe 6 or rangers? That's one of the best ways to meet lots of people and make friends

I have thought about the police but that doesn't exactly suit my liking. Gruppe6 and Rangers I just haven't thought about. I have thought about joining up with a garage be it AutoCare TireNutz but idk.

Welcome Sam! 
This server is great when it comes to meeting new people. I joined into a gang very early on which sometimes could be a great start in learning the city. However, if the criminal path isn’t for you, like mentioned above you have whitelisted groups like Police, Gruppe6 and NHS. If you don’t intend on joining a whitelisted group my personal opinion is to become a mechanic. The people up at Auto Exotic are  amazing! That’s I started my mechanic career. It’s also a great socialising spot too! Taxi driving is also a great way to earn a legal source of income 🙂

I hope this helps!
