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Announcement from HM Treasury

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The King
Legendary Donator
During the night there was a massive attack on the H.M Treasury in Altis 

The police managed to fend off the rebels with the UK Army before they could threaten the borders of the Island however they left with a considerable amount of money which in turn caused the global markets to crash.

The Army and Police apologise to anyone who have been left out of pocket, your's and your family's safety were the top priority and we are proud to report no casualties and no loss of homes and vehicles.

Unfortunately no banking insurance could of covered this.

The H.M Treasury has rolled out an emergency compensation package to every current Citizen of Altis Life UK for the amount of £300,000 each.

To stabilize the Economy for the long term the H.M Treasury as now set a benefits package to all Citizens every month (15 mins in game time) of £1059 each.

New Citizens to the island will start off with a average yearly salary of £25,259

Due to the Altis Stock Exchange crashing you will find the price of everything has changed, this has been done in mind of the Altis people and the long term future of the Island under the UK.

We hope you do not emigrate to Stratis during this troublesome time.

The Queen & Sir Wilco of Altis

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Due to the Altis Stock Exchange crashing you will find the price of everything has changed, this has been done in mind of the Altis people and the long term future of the Island under the UK.
Well it's a good thing no-one buys cocaine shares! Or.. do they?

Time to get a spreadsheet made..

Wait a tick, is this lower starting money and 15 min salaries? If so, I salute you, and god save the Queen!

Any plans for some kind of event for the Queens birthday on Monday? :p

so wait I had about 500,000 in the bacnk thats all good right man ??

we could have fun with a nice rebels chasing cops through Kavala on that day and over take the HQ and they have to take it back :D

I love having the name price it gives me such great pun oppertunities

& there goes around £2.4 million (closer to £8 million counting my lost heli's). & donator status.. Hope for a speedy recovery of all this.

Well it's a good thing no-one buys cocaine shares! Or.. do they?

Time to get a spreadsheet made..

Wait a tick, is this lower starting money and 15 min salaries? If so, I salute you, and god save the Queen!

Any plans for some kind of event for the Queens birthday on Monday? :p
Yes £25,259 Is what you get when you join the server (umm Altis) as a new civilian, The idea around this is to remove the server from getting boring! and everyone being rich villains! you now have to work for your money (not saying you didn't before) but everything now becomes more valued :)  

& there goes around £2.4 million (closer to £8 million counting my lost heli's). & donator status.. Hope for a speedy recovery of all this.
This is the recovery!... all current civilians are given 300k... the donator statuses was a minor blip on my part which I am resolving now :)

Ignore the previous Economy where inflation was high and you could become a millionaire in one day! the server is now more realistic.

need to lower price to remove vehicles from garage 35k is about 10% of my personal fortune and need to fix the donator status' as well

need to lower price to remove vehicles from garage 35k is about 10% of my personal fortune and need to fix the donator status' as well
Thanks for the feedback we will look into that shortly and get a fix ready for the next restart... the donator status I am working on now :)

ok wait...so me having 300k from 3.3 million is not a bad thing ? 

just tryin to workit out ?

so everything is now cheaper ?

Overall yes... however money now means more to everyone including myself ... i also have 300k :)

When you get to 3.3 million again you will understand the true value of that :)

So my 2,000,000+ dollars is gone?

No offence, but can't you just tell us the truth about why this was done instead of the RP nonsense? Database issue? Just felt like dicking around?

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