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Am out. Have fun!

I'll keep it short and sweet, never been one for long drawn out posts.

The time has come for me to move on, I've been here for almost 3 years now based on forum registration.  Been staff for 2 years out of those almost 3 so its been a good run.  Unfortunately, like many others, after near enough 3 years, Arma is just dead, its incredibly boring for me and I have no interest or motivation with it anymore.  

I'll probably be floating around here and there on TS and Discord but that's about it.   

Good luck all and take care

OMG, I wish you the best NotMattch hope we will see you again!

Good luck on all your new endeavours!

A man can only play so much of one game especially being an admin on ones server. Completely understandable mate have a good one 🙂  

Sad to see you go man. Good luck with whatever you are planning to do in the future!

See you back in 10 years, when Arma 4 comes out. 😁
