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Am I wrong? Scrapped heli

Hmm I see no green zone. If a city is a greenzone, then why isnt it a greenzone? The other two zones have enter and leave messages and VERY strict rules, so it makes no sense all other cities are classified as greenzone without that message, how would one know?

I'd say this is unlawfull and you should be compensated, wonder what the high ranked cops have to say about this? Because since the update I quite frequently land in main cities with my hummingbird, as there is no greenzone...

I would be keen to hear a answer on this as i too have not seen a green zone to indicate a no fly or landing zone in any of the main cities and if there is then it should be clearly marked on the map .

We had a darter over the town at the time, he landed and our CI Vladic ka directed us to the chopper and followed him to the drug dealer whilst he sold his drugs, we set up to question you and then sent an officer to the drug dealer to interrogate him and he revealed your name, therefore the chopper was used in illegal activities and was landed inside city limits.

If admins see this as my wrong doing I'll personally comp you for that hummingbird.

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I authorized the scrapping of this helicopter as it was involved in drug trafficking. Watched you do several runs using my drone. I do agree about the green zone though. We need them back so it's black and white wether you can land or not.

So instead of camping the dealer just camp with a drone instead now?

I didnt do several runs tho, and you cant proof there was drugs in it, maybe only in my inventory.

So every rebels car heli etc will be scrapped because they all where involved in drug traffcking?

Its also a bit lame that the guys know there is a restart incoming so scrape heli quick etc.

But I will be thinkin wrong again on everything above

The drone is only available to DI's and CI's they only take them out when we are in need of airial assistance immediately or when athira is low on officers. You happened to do a run when CI Vladic was scouting around the town for me and PC price as we where the only athira officers online.

As for the scrapping of the hummingbird you where seen getting out the chopper (using the vehicle to transport the drugs on your persons which comes under drug trafficking) and run to the drug dealer and then to the Cashpoint.

Edit: also we rushed it along to crush the chopper towards the end to enforce the law instead of you getting away with all your drug money and not facing a sentence or loosing your vehicle.

if we just left you to it and didn't at least rush it along to crush the vehicle or give you a jail sentence you would not Learn that if you do crime on altis you are risking loosing your vehicle or face jail time.

Police would not be feared and everyone would commit even more crimes.

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My opinion,

if the cops would have scrapped your chopper because of this greenzone stuff, they would have made a mistake but since you got caught doing drugs with it it is totally ok for them to scrap it.

I think no comp or anything else needed here

The cops did the right thing crushing your heli. They crashed my mohawk and i didn't cry about it. And mine wasn't in the green zone and i didn't use for drugs. Shit happens. 

Well mister iZargaHUN i dont cry About it. Just post this vid to get other ppl opions.

But oke know enough now to bad

I would be keen to hear a answer on this as i too have not seen a green zone to indicate a no fly or landing zone in any of the main cities and if there is then it should be clearly marked on the map .
There is, zoom in on kavala.

Cheers Ciaran for clarifying , I already knew Kavala has one , but couldnt see any others and just wondered if my old eyes were missing something  :)
Alright, but Athira is not one of the green zones just to clarify to anyone that needs to know.

Are drones not a little overpowerd for cops? Yeah there need to get some green zone there

Only DI up can use them and are in use when we need an overview of a situation. You were unlucky as I was just flying it to the airfield when you landed.

Yes but i means outside my story. Civ or rebels cant use any of those high techniks
