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ALUK Stock Exchange! (Item price list)


Altis Life UK Stock Exchange
For when money matters
NOTE: Truck prices, for both legal and illegal only covers the covered variants of Zamak and Tempest. For the standard Truck, it is the Boxed version.​
All prices are rough estimates of maximum possible profit with a full vehicle load plus carryall backpack.​
Collection, processing and travel times are not taken into account.​
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The ALUKSE has no direct realationship and/or affiliation with any known, or unknown Black Market dealers in the Altis/Stratis region.
All information provided below comes from word of mouth, or common knowledge of "street price".
DISCLAIMER: LSD weighs more than Frog Legs, so it is very hard to get a full load!
I believe this is a mistake.
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k, after some checking, rechecking and a little more checking. These prices are correct.

I reserved 2 extra damn posts thinking there was still 3 different prices for drugs *sigh*. Ah well, they'll come in handy, maybe I'll update it to include every vehicle..

Drugs same money at Athira and Pyrgos?

EDIT: Any chance of vehicle capacitys listed and tempest device in there?

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Drugs same money at Athira and Pyrgos?

EDIT: Any chance of vehicle capacitys listed and tempest device in there?
Will look into the Athira/Pyrgos thing..

Can add in Vehicle capacity, sure.

Never thought the device version would actually have a capacity, can probably add it in, why not.

I seem to have a spreadsheat you made ages ago (or someone else) with raw data and graphs on it.

Btw tempest device is 350 storage :)

I seem to have a spreadsheat you made ages ago (or someone else) with raw data and graphs on it.

Btw tempest device is 350 storage :)
If that spreadsheet is http://goo.gl/5VYC3e then yeah thats where all these infernal numbers come from. Will link it in one of the top posts eventually, it's very untidy currently 'cause of updates/irrelevant info etc.

- HEMTT Device added, with an assumed weight of 414 (Full Device load + 64 slot carryall backpack)

If that spreadsheet is http://goo.gl/5VYC3e then yeah thats where all these infernal numbers come from. Will link it in one of the top posts eventually, it's very untidy currently 'cause of updates/irrelevant info etc.

- HEMTT Device added, with an assumed weight of 414 (Full Device load + 64 slot carryall backpack)
Thats the one! :)

And its Tempest Device btw :p

OK, so if anyone else disagrees with information I am providing, which took a bloody long time to put together (albeit 3/4 months ago), can you tell rather than bitch at me in game? :)

Made a sad Jay for about 10 minutes.

Updated with LSD and new prices for those who havent noticed.

DISCLAIMER: LSD weighs more than Frog Legs, so it is very hard to get a full load!
I believe this is a mistake.
It would be more informative if there was time per run included, or pounds per hour, I could include some information about it

It would be more informative if there was time per run included, or pounds per hour, I could include some information about it
Sure go ahead.

I did consider doing this myself when I origonally created it, but it didn't appeal to me, especially since things like collection times, and the journeys themselves change quite a bit, didn't see the need.

Plus I didn't want people to have everything given to them on a plate, let there still be some mystery involved.

Pretty certain those salvaging prices have changed

But just for anyone who looks into doing salvaging I would suggest throwing away metal, stone tablets, square objects and fools gold as they are a waste of space and worth less than 1k per 1 weight.

Glass (1k), Broken Bell(4k), Round Object(3k), Broken Statue(4k) are all worth £1000 per 1 weight

Pottery weighs 4 and is worth 4.5K so that is an ok £1,125 per 1 weight

Strange object weighs 6 and is worth 7k so that is worth £1,170 per 1 weight

And gold is obviously the best with a weight of 8 and worth of 10k being £1,250 per 1 weight
