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Altislife.co.uk Server #2 & Restart annoucements

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The King
Legendary Donator
Altis Life UK Server 2

Hopefully this is a huge confirmation I listen to what the community wants and over the last few weeks people have been making noise about a second server.

This time we have done it in style with a dedicated box over in France and already everyone who has joined us on server #2 is enjoying a massive boost in frames (I am getting more frames off this box than on our dev server when its just me online on it)

This doesn't mean you rebels can run over to server 2 and do drug runs, The police will start actively now recruiting more people to make sure we are fully policed.

With this in mind we will be reducing server 1 down from 90 to 80 slots tomorrow, I think its fair to say that 160 slots is a nice size to make sure our regular players get in on the action without waiting for a slot, It also means we can now take the next step in growing as a community.

Restart Announcements

BEC the system that runs the scheduler is now fully fixed on server 1 meaning you will now receive notifications in the chat before restarts, This is something that has been bugging TinyBigJacko for a number of months since it suddenly stopped working, I recently did a total reinstall on the dev server and even that did not work after getting in contact with our supplier It turns out there was nothing he could of done to fix it as there was an issue at our hosts end.

Server 2 has this running which I implemented before launch today.

Thanks for your continuing support with Altis Life UK, I will now work on a few exciting things which i will announce in the next few days.


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I assume data will travel across servers
Correct, I did toy with the idea of having 2 databases meaning server 2 will be a whole new life and have a different map layout...

For now its the same but that thought remains in my head.

Bitch On A Pension Suck My Dong

Great so far had no de-sync or fps issues including in kavala, shame some cops are not willing to share servers. Fair play to TheEnd for staying on-line on his own though :D

Need to fill it up for a couple of hours to really test the waters but getting 50 frames after 3 hours + uptime is looking good. No desynch either, this is with a lot of items spawned in as there was loads of cars and choppers littering Altis. :)

would be great if illegal activities were turned off/banned, on either server 1 or 2 while we start recruiting and training the new police then. I can just imagine everyone logging onto the server with the fewest cops to do their drug runs there with minimal resistance. 

illegal activities were turned off/banned
Absolutely no chance. I can understand why you would want it, but there would be a problem that nobody would touch the second server, and it may result in it getting taken down due to inactivity, which would leave you with too many cops, and then overpopulation of the current server, no slots, nobody can get on, cops leave, civs leave etc.

Absolutely no chance. I can understand why you would want it, but there would be a problem that nobody would touch the second server, and it may result in it getting taken down due to inactivity, which would leave you with too many cops, and then overpopulation of the current server, no slots, nobody can get on, cops leave, civs leave etc.
well not all activities, just drugs and banks. you can still mug people etc. 

Maybe the Police superiors should have the power to reassign officers to even out numbers. 

Maybe the Police superiors should have the power to reassign officers to even out numbers. 
CI's and DI's do. But it's not always possible. eg, 3 officers in Athira online. move 1 to second server. Now he no back-up in athira at all. Slight problem. 

Every app has been done, interviews will be conducted throughout the following nights from here on in.

Lets hope we can get enough people in, train them all and then hopefully have a >>good<< active police force on both servers...

I just hope its not all too rush trying to get this sorted.

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