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Altis Police & Altis NHS Uniform update

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Fantastic work from both Xsum and Wilco, I've been so eager to see them get implemented the last few days. :Cool:  Also a small shoutout to @Spunky Bumlovewho came up with the idea to have the fleece jumpers, instead of the old uniforms or t-shirts!

slight issue in that if you have to take it off for what ever reason (Apparently mine wasn't showing the skin) you can't physically put it back on (it changes the slot to red when you try to slot it in) and have to buy it from the police store again

NHS uniform is too bright green and too chalky in my opinion. This is particularly noticable when compared to the backback which still has that really nice dark green, rough colour to it. It also doesn't match the shade of real life NHS ambulance uniforms, which are much darker in comparison.

Personally I feel if the uniform was more of a similar shade of green to the current backpack it'd look fantastic. As a temporary measure it does look significantly better with no backpack at all.

Other than that, glad to see some original skins back of the server! The Police ones are gorgeous by the way (RTU and NPAS soon? <3)

UPDATE: Image comparison of irl vs in game



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@Wilcocan you also stop the uniform from disappearing every 10 minutes because it was 'your uniform was too restrictive so was removed'

@Wilco- Will us police get berets or something to compensate there not being a hat , as it just feels like something should be there , and we all loved our berets haha.

@Wilco- Will us police get berets or something to compensate there not being a hat , as it just feels like something should be there , and we all loved our berets haha.
Looking at Axo's post yesterday confirming berets and such will be returning then one can assume a 'yes' to the fact that they will be returning ( @Fetty Wap directed you to Axo's post regarding this )

Looking at Axo's post yesterday confirming berets and such will be returning then one can assume a 'yes' to the fact that they will be returning ( @Fetty Wap directed you to Axo's post regarding this )
Didnt see the post yay , my heads been getting very cold lately.

@CST Salty Vampirethank you for your feedback will adjust the shade of green later today
@Wilco@Ciaranthere is also a consistently reproducible bug that cases your uniform to disappear if you are VDM'd. Might be a bug with the uniform or the independent (green) team, but it needs fixing.

I have also heard multiple reports of this 'clothing is too restrictive' bug. I have not seen it myself, but at least three medics have told me about it.

Keep up the good work!

imo, I quite liked the small period of having an invisible backpack, having writing visible on the back of a uniform is much more professional and shows more detail I believe, although the backpack is nice I like it being invisible haha :p

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