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Altis Lore?

Smith and Jones

Well-known member
I've had a good root around the forums and I can't seem to find any lore about Altis from the devs.  Is there such a document, explaining how it became UK territory and what the current socio-political situation is etc? 

Also, I've read mention of the civil/rebel border in a few threads, but can't find specific practical and RP info about where it is and how it works etc.

Any info would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure I'm just being blind...


As far as I know there are no documents from the devs of how the island became UK territory but I'm guessing it is because Nato's involvement in the war between AAF(Greek rebels), CSAT(Iraq) and Nato. It is also possible that Altis(Lemnos) went under UK ruling due to greeks tax and money crisis. 

The civil/rebel border was established as the UK government was trying to push back all rebel activity to a specific area to counteract civilian fear in main cities and to give police more control over the island. 

As the rebel border got assembled the police had to step in to make sure that no civilians or rebels could freely pass into the south peninsula where this concentrated area is. 

Police have tried multiple times to take this half island from the rebels but it has always ended in a lot of death on both sides so police have thereby started patrolling the border and keeping the rebels in there while risking as little lives as possible.

This is not really the official story it is more of my point of view

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I always like to think that Altis was always part of the British colony, then eventually the country was given independence with their own government. However this was short lived as a civil war quickly arises between 2 political parties. One party fighting with a fully organised army (AAF) and the other using guerilla tactics. The war gets out of hand to the degree that NATO forces (Task force AEGIS) arrive to make sure things don't get any uglier. NATO set up their military on Stratis and build an airbase as the war gets bloodier in Altis. Altis Armed Forces eventually win and form a stable government, and once everything has settled down NATO prepare to leave, this brings us on to the main storyline, AAF get more brutal with their policing and tensions rise between them and NATO. AAF attacks NATO, stranding the survivors who have to fight their way to Altis etc, join up with FIA and UKSF who are fighting for a stable government, then eventually join the NATO invasion. CSAT (Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty) convinced AAF forces to ally with them and offer protection in return for control of the island. They were better trained and equipped, and knew Altis would be a strategic position if the had control. However eventually it boils down to 2 scenario's. Either NATO forces get AAF to surrender and CSAT leave the island to fight another day, or Millers team CTRG take the device and all hell breaks loose, therefore it must be the 1st scenario. Im guessing the FIA, after the NATO invasion were unable to form a government, and due to the fact that the country was always at war since they gained independence, British Government stepped up to..well. govern the place. ;)

Cheers for the thoughts/ideas/reasonings, appreciate it.  It's not a major thing, I was just curious.  Would be great to have a brief intro paragraph from a dev to introduce new hobos to what life is like and why it is why it is.

@Mr Smith AFPI like to think the lore is bound with the Arma 3 story, however its always good to hear different scenarios and stories from different people :)
