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Altis Life Value of life


Well-known member
Why is it that we have a value of life rule  on the GTA server but not on Altis ? Surely if we implement the rule on altis it will create more room for role play scenarios instead of every tom dick and harry instantly sprinting away drawing firearms then just shooting each other.

For example,

Dude is just standing around talking and then a armed man comes up with a firearm pointing at his face, realistically you would never pull a gun when a gun is already drawn on you for obvious reasons so the person who is initiating has the upper hand, what really happens is the guy just chatting away does 7 360s and draws his gun and counter initiates and bam bam dead dead.

I just feel if a value of life rule was implemented it would benefit the server greatly.


I feel like if you can knowingly win the situation go for it... you would be vauling you life because they could just kill you anyway, or take you hostage so fighting is sometimes the only option

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I love that people downvote this, and add nothing more. 

I believe that if someone if behind you, and your gun is on your back, and they pull a firearm, you should 100% surrender. As this is realistic. 

The fact that everyone wants to be action man is pretty shit for an RP community. What's worse is everyone is shit at being action man. 

+1. Everyone should value their life, the quality of RP on both servers should be the same.

This suggestion will never get approved because it may prevent people from doing some of those "Sick" Frag montages, kinda cringe. God forbid there's RP on an RP server.

I love that people downvote this, and add nothing more. 

I believe that if someone if behind you, and your gun is on your back, and they pull a firearm, you should 100% surrender. As this is realistic. 

The fact that everyone wants to be action man is pretty shit for an RP community. What's worse is everyone is shit at being action man. 

+1. Everyone should value their life, the quality of RP on both servers should be the same.

This suggestion will never get approved because it may prevent people from doing some of those "Sick" Frag montages, kinda cringe. God forbid there's RP on an RP server.
Thing is back in the day if you did try pull a weapon when you had a gun aimed and you, the person who had the gun already pointed at you could just straight up kill you, now it's a back and forth fucking initiation war and it's boring af. The person who initiates SHOULD have the advantage.

Initiation is too complicated, too scripted, and adds no RP value, just confusion

To initiate you SHOULD have RP before hand. But it should be as simple as "Alright put your hands on your head right now" (As i am aiming a gun at you). This shows intent. There shouldn't need to be a back and forth script.
