All the people he's had to deal with, most of them near death, from being run over, the poor man. His personal life must be a mess, seeing nothing but cars flying at him in his dreams...the nightmares he must have
Nice one, Ciaran, thanks. Is this a new ARMA3 command brought in by one of the recent updates? I don't recall seeing it before (but then I hardly have time to look up out of the trench that Wilco has me digging in 24/7 - LOL)
Have you explored in a multiplayer environment? I'm wondering whether setObjectTextureGlobal would be more appropriate, or whether it's best to invoke it on every client-end 'as-is', as they encounter someone of the right class with the right type of backpack (but then, what happens when the backpack is dropped, or stolen, I guess.
I shall have to investigate. Thanks for the tip!
Wilco - looks like you have some more skinning to do... get the crayons out, buddy!