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Altis gangs

Quality over quantity as i have always said, i would rather have 10 active good members than 25 retired cops in my gang to be honest. We try to lessen our activities on Altis at the moment as there is nothing for rebels to do and we end up stepping on peoples toes to much, we rob the HM police cry that we rob it to often and our weapons are overpowered etc.. we do drug runs and cops get involved ends up in a big gun fight and we get called out for baiting. Anything we do ends up involving the cops because there are no other rival gangs who test us and as someone else said LCN hardly ever get into gunfights.


Pretty much everyone who has commented on both behalf.  

This post just creates shit storm from rebels about who's the best. Everyone should shut up and just play!
So everyone who posted here are salty?

This topic is going out of control, I suggest everyone to bother their own business not matter what someone says end of all its everything what you thing about your gang etc, and personally I think its stupid to bring some1 name here to everyone discuss about, everyone does mistakes on purpose or not.

cheers everyone! ;)

I feel like I'm back to kindergarten when I'm reading some of these posts.

I have no beef with anyone, just stay out of our minor little base in the salt flats if you haven't got your jars Marmite with you

"Minor RP gang" - A phrase that sums up everything wrong with the server atm.

1. Minor: Suggests that RP is the NOT the focus of the server.

2. Suggesting that, regardless of MM being the largest gang, they are dismissed because they don't continually murder cops and other gangs.

And didn't someone say they wanted to join a "combat focused gang". On this server? For you sir, there is wasteland.

Guys am sorry, but can somebody vplease explain what a '' marmite minor miner" is please, never heard of it/them

Absolutely fucking disgusting
Blaze don't fight it, the bronies are coming, we know who you are and where you live , we will find you ............. Anddddddd give you. KISSSSSSSESS
