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Altis for Dummies - The Ultimate Beginner Guide *WIP*


Well-known member
The Netherlands
This Guide is 3 years outdated!

If you are new then please check out this: Altis Life - How To Get Started

Also we have various other Guides








(spoilers are not cooperating with me

Cheating, Exploiting, Hacking


A -  Cheats, scripts or hacks of any kind are not allowed. Even those who are not considered harmful, like graphical enhancement utilities, whatsoever.

B -  Combat logging to resist arrest or questioning is considered exploiting the game mechanism. Therefore it is strictly forbidden.

C -  Killing your character on purpose to clear yourself from the wanted list is considered exploiting as well.

D -  Every player has to report suspicious player behaviour. If you, for example, receive a high amount of money from another player, that player is abviously a hacker. If you do not report him immediately after becoming aware of his behaviour, you are risking to be banned as well.
General Gameplay Behavior

A -  Do not troll! Running around people in circles (especially cops!), voice spamming, running in front of cars and similar is considered trolling and will be banned on sight and without prior notice.

B -  Out of character questions need to be written in the chat, in order to not interrupt the roleplay on the server.

C -  When reporting a crime to the police, your 112 call has to contain the following informations:

  • What happened
  • When did it happen
  • Where did it happen
  • Who was involved

Examples for a good dispatch calls:

  • I just have been robbed 200$ at the Kavala hospital! The robber was wearing a mechanic overall, sunglasses and a red baseball cap. He drove away in a yellow pickup

  • I just heard gunshots around the north Kavala highway exit! From the sound of it, several shots were fired form several weapons!

Examples for bad dispatch calls:

  • Help, I just got robbed by xUBERPLAYERx!!!nine
  • My car broke down, help!
  • How do I fish!?

D -  The police will not take car of your damaged/crashed vehicle! They will not drive to you and hand you a toolkit, nor will they send anyone at all!

Remember: 112 dispatch calls have to follow the roleplaying rules! No names unless your character knows them! Also: Posting several bad dispatch requests will get you banned.

A -  No metagaming! Under no circumstances it is allowed to use player knowledge as character knowledge! Examples:

  • You character cannot refer to another player by name, if you haven't been introduced or saw his ID or something else that would provide that information.
  • Let's say someone hands out money for free at Athira. If your character is in Kavala and you just read about it in the sidechat, you are not allowed to go there, because your character did not get the information that there is someone in Athira that gives away money.
  • Our admins don't fall for lame excuses like "A friend called me and told me". You better not risk getting banned for a cheap excuse over bad roleplay. If you contest a ban, you will need to provide a full backstory and explanation of your behaviour, because we will check our servers logs to the full extend.

B -  No powerplaying, no Mary-Sues (if you don't know what it means, google it!)
New Life Rules

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the caracter you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially.

A -  A new life starts, when

  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has been involved in an accident
B -  A new life starts not, when

  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM
  • You disconnect / respawn
  • Your character commits suicide
C -  You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!

D -  You are not allowed to return to an operation within 15 minutes after you have been killed!
Rebel Gameplay

A -  Only players with a rebel license are considered rebels and are allowed to follow "rebel business" like attacking cops in towns, etc. Players without a rebel license using firearms are considered RDMers.

B -  Attacks on cities involving more than one rebel have to be announced to the admins. If you don't have an administrators approval and you still attack a city, it is considered RDMing.
Other Rules

A -  Do not advertise other servers or communities

B -  The servers language is english (voice and chat!)

C -  Every request for compensation due to a loss of items/money because of a hack or whatever has to be filed in the forums.

D -  Unban request have to be filed in the forums.

A -  RDM / VDM, cheating and exploiting will always result in a permanent ban.

B -  Trolling and non-roleplaying can result in a ban as well.

C -  No warnings need to be issued. It is your responsibility to read the rules.

D -  Bans are always permanent, unless they have been successfully appealed in the forums.





When you first start in Altis you will need a "Driving License" which you can acquire from the DVLA which is a blue icon the map.​

The rest is pretty much self explaining, like you can buy cars from a car shop, etc, etc.​

Whenever you go on a trip through Altis try to look at everything around you, so you learn the map and waste less time looking around on the map.​








Kavala the city known for utter chaos, because of its high number of new players and trolls.​

If you're new to the game, sure go ahead and spawn in Kavala it will teach you that being careful is a definate requirement or else you will be dead on the side of the road in less then five minutes.​





Athira the place to go if you're the owner of a helicopter, or if you're about to do some cocaine trips.

With the airport only 2,5km away, rent a quad and drive over there within a minute or two.

With criminals on their way to the airport it's definatly not safe, so be careful out there.





At this point of time i highly recommend to not spawn there since it's lacking a garage, and if you want a vehicle you have to rent/buy one.

Only go here if you're planning on robbing the bank and you have the gear on your person, and you don't need a special getaway vehicle.





This place seems to attract quite a bit of Rebels, so if you're new and don't want to get in trouble stay away.​








Driving License:  £5,000 - (Required to operate a car).

Boat License:  £10,000 - (Required to operate a boat).

Pilot License:  £20,000 - (Required to operate a helicopter).

Truck License:  £20,000 - (Required to operate a truck).


Firearm License:  £50,000 - (Required to carry legal firearms).

Rebel License:  £500,000 - (Required to purchase rebel equipment and vehicles).



Cement License:  £10,000 - (Required to process rock to cement).

Copper License:  £10,000 - (Required to process copper ore into ingots).

Sand License:  £10,000 - (Required to process sand into glass).

Salt License:  £20,000 - (Required to process salt into refined salt).

Oil License:  £25,000 - (Required to process oil into refined oil).

Iron License:  £50,000 - (Required to process iron ore into ingots).

Diamond License:  £70,000 - (Required to process diamond ore into ingots).



Marijuana License:  £25,000 - (Required to process cannabis into marijuana).

Heroin License:  £100,000 - (Required to process heroin into refined heroin).

Cocaine License:  £100,000 - (Required to process cocaine into refined cocaine).

WARNING: Just because you own one of the above licenses doesn't make it legal police will still

impound the raw/refined products and crush your vehicle.



Diving License:  £2,500 - (Required to access the diving shop).

Apples/Peaches don't require licenses.










Assault Pack (Coyote)  -  £2,500  -  44 Slots

Kitbag (MTP)  -  £4,500  -  59 Slots

Tactical Backpack (Olive)  -  £3,500  -  54 Slots

Field Pack (Hex)  -  £3,000  -  49 Slots

Bergen (Sage)  -  £4,500  -  59 Slots

Kitbag (Coyote)  -  £4,500  -  59 Slots

Carryall Backpack (Olive)  -  £5,000  -  64 Slots

Carryall Backpack (Khaki)  -  £5,000  -  64 Slots










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Zamak - 200

Zamak Covered - 250

SDV - 45

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the Harness vest can only hold 13 20rnd 7.62 mags (if you wanted to take donator spacing into consideration aswell)

is this still WIP ?
Yes it's still a work in progress, I didn't have a PC for the past 7 days so finally i can continue this.

the Harness vest can only hold 13 20rnd 7.62 mags (if you wanted to take donator spacing into consideration aswell)
I think i did the 10rnd 7.62 Mags but i'll include the 20rnd mags on a later date.

Very well presented and covers all basics Ricoo 

WOW. That is awesome work.
Your ALUK prices are awesome aswell :)

Could be awesome, if you could put prices up per piece too like: for 1 cocaine in kavala etc.

You are missing 3 vital controls.
I for the inventory.
'Caps Lock' to talk

'/' so they can ask for help or talk.

This isn't even accurate and most of it not even relevant anymore!

I think another good one would be hands above your head "SHIFT + J" that seem's to be something a lot of people struggle with.
