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Allow you to continue having your weapon out when using the radio

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Well-known member
In the bushes
Overall the radio update is very nice but one aspect of the radio update is detrimental to the balance of the server. Currently when you have a weapon out and use your radio it puts the weapon away and you have to equip it and pull it out again. I understand why this change might have been made but it doesn't seem necessary and is detrimental to the overall balance and state of the server. Having this change only encourages vehicle battles and the more enjoyable on foot skirmishes will only become less and less frequent, even more so than they already are. Without the use of the firearms sling Trojan would be at a considerable disadvantage, they can draw their ARs and SMGs at the same rate as someone with a pistol would be able to.  Realistically when you have a small arms firearm you can use a radio in your offhand, it doesn't make sense to unequip a one handed firearm just to use a radio.

TLDR; revert certain radio changes that force your weapon to unequip when using the radio.

Pros: Doesn't make the "rocket league" fights worse, groups (police included) can continue to communicate effectively on foot, much less frustrating.

Cons: 0

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i dont see any issues with just being unable to use it while radioing, but forcing it to unequip is unnecessary and makes pistols more favourable due to their shorter draw time or staying in a car to bypass the equip time.

Loads of people have complained about crims only using pistols and its becoming very boring seeing them all the time with the odd person carrying a larger gun. With this new update its going to discourage people from using the bigger guns as the time it takes to pull the gun out is too long and every time you speak on radio you will have to pull it out again. It also will probably lead to a lot more car fights which isnt what we want. Finally it gives the police a bigger upper hand as the trojan have a sling meaning they can pull their AR's out rapidly even after speaking on radio. For me this will make the server even more unbalanced. 

I don’t think it was intentional tbh I think it’s because the new radio changes force a new radio animation that requires empty hands. 

+1 from me, this new update will just encourage more people to use cars instead of foot fighting.

Rather than complaining within a few hours of an update coming out, would it not be a better idea to leave it for a few days to fully see how the change works & changes stuff then you could suggest improvements (instead of basically just saying "revert these changes")? This is exactly what happened with the repair kit changes and I don't think people actually dislike it as much as they did initially anymore.

Having this change only encourages vehicle battles.
It does not as the exact same thing occurs in vehicles as not being in a vehicle? If it doesn't then I believe that'd likely be classed as a bug.

Realistically when you have a small arms firearm you can use a radio in your offhand, it doesn't make sense to unequip a one handed firearm just to use a radio.
But it doesn't make sense for you to hold a weapon and the radio in the same hand (which is what happens in GTA)? You have to remember that this is a game therefore it's not always possible to get everything exactly the same way as it may be in real life.

There is obviously the possibility for this to be changed sometime to something such as automatically re-equipping the weapon once the radio is no longer held however that is an idea that has been thought of and hasn't actually been discussed at all.

This is my opinion and not that of the Dev Team.

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i did state somewhere that it's not too bad, coordinate what you want to do, do it and state what you want once it's safe to do so.

it will most likely change how gunfights work sure, doesn't mean for the worse though.

Never gonna give you up (own opinion)

Really really dislike this new change, when you have your gun out and need to call in important information its pretty frustrating having to get your gun back out every single time you use your radio. -1. Hope this is reverted as soon as.

Really really dislike this new change, when you have your gun out and need to call in important information its pretty frustrating having to get your gun back out every single time you use your radio. -1. Hope this is reverted as soon as.
Yeah I dislike it as well, not been able to shoot whilst using the radio makes no sense at all, I understand that the devs want it to be realistic but some things need to stay the same

I also hope the radio animation gets reverted back to the last one 

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Maybe rather than changing the way it works a new feature could be added. Along with the button for speaking you could have a button to toggle radio mic. So if you are in a situation where you need your weapon out and also to talk on radio you can toggle the mic and then the radio would transmit any audio that it picks up until it is toggled off again. We then get to keep the nice new radio animation and features, we get an extra radio feature and it helps with the problem everyone is complaining about.

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