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Allow In-Game Compensation from Liaison


On A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Florida, USA
Due to this suggestion conflicting with server rules I am suggesting it here. My suggestion is allowing or at least clarifying if it was already allowed but heavily underused to compensate others from liaison talks. I believe a lot of people do not mind going to Liaison even if they clearly know the other person is squarely in the wrong or if a person knows they are in the wrong. But unfortunately, the only way to get compensation at the moment is through a successful player report. I believe this incentivizes people to hyperinflate issues that could have been resolved below a staff level due to the monetary loss being more than someone is willing to let go for the sake of coming to an understanding with an offending party and both leaving the encounter better educated and content with the resolution. 

This is an old concept from Arma, it was not perfect, but I think it had enough merit as a solution and worked enough of the time it was worth keeping around. We cannot be perfect 100% of the time, if you play regularly, you will break a rule or rules at some point. It will happen. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it's an accident, regardless of the reason it happens. If you say you never break server rules, you don't play or you're lying to yourself. No matter how minor the rule, it still happens. Now when it comes to something fast paced like combat, RDM is not hard to occur. It just takes a very split second to make a bad decision and react instead of thinking and someone ends up dead on the floor. 

Currently, if you go to Liaison and talk it through, even if you come to an understanding you're still just left out of pocket for the lost items. This already discourages people to resolve things at the lowest level. What is the point of talking when you've lost your items due to a rule break, albeit if it was just a split-second bad decision made on a bad day, when you can report them, get them banned, put in a compensation request and lose nothing. Compensating someone from a Liaison call at the current moment puts you at odds with server rules. So even if you went "I can see how this was not a great decision on my part, thank you for talking it through with me, let me compensate you for your gear and I hope our conversation and resolution compensates you for your time." you can't. 

I think allowing people to compensate each other for the results of a successful Liaison call would be successful for a number of reasons. You can't guarantee someone is always going to want to Liase or Compensate. It wouldn't change the fact that people are held accountable for rule breaks, it just would weed out people reporting solely for the sake of a compensation request and allow people to discuss and come to resolutions without fear of admitting to a rule break (It happens, regardless of if you think you do or not) without the intense fear of the liaison call going sideways and being used against them in a report. This would help people dissect situations more objectively, be rationale, and stop people dig their heels in and claim innocence even when dead to rights guilty. You can't force someone to compensate and ultimately you can't force someone to take compensation. I do see encouraging people to talk to each other more, come to resolutions and making us a better community overall. It's not a perfect system but I think in addition to the systems currently in place it would provide massive benefit. 

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already allowed

""Players cannot give compensation, it would be a breach of NLR/Metagaming"
Liaison's occur because there is a belief that a breach of our rules has occurred. It is absolutely an option for players to issue compensation to return items lost as a result of a rulebreak. However. Do not blackmail players, you are never forced to give compensation and staff will not look poorly upon players who decide not to give compensation. Likewise, giving compensation doesn't necessarily mean that a rulebreak has definitely occurred. It's also worth mentioning that compensation is for legitimate use in organic situations. Gangs/Groups/Players who issue compensation following a situation in order to recoup assets as planned, is not acceptable, players involved in conduct of this nature will be banned for C1.7."

This is good to know, after reading through that post I can definitely see it didn’t help alleviate the myth that you can’t comp from a Liaison. Hopefully people see this post then read that one and we see a renewed effort to resolve things outside of the forums. 
