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I'm getting really tired of this now. 

Synced all my data a good 20 minutes before tonight's 12am reboot. I've logged back in and the money in my pocket has gone plus all my gear probably 80k +

That's 3 time in a row 500K plus give or take.

Its eroding my capital because earning money is pointless, It's starting to get really tedious.

I really want to become a tier 3 donator but as things stand I'm thinking what is the point?

I wouldn't mind but we don't even seem to be getting reimbursed.

Chuck as a bone please gents?

I understand or rather I can only begin to try to understand how hard it must be fine tooth combing scripts and coding to resolve this issue, but at least help us out with what we are losing if that's possible I hasten to add.

If its not then please clarify this to save us bitching and moaning  ;)

This sort of thing always happens...server, lots of mods, Just have to deal with it....mods are never 100%...these guys are pretty on it, sure they'll come up with something but it aint ever gonna be 100%. Enjoy it and don't worry about it mate.

tinybigjacko is currently working on the situatuion m8 bare with it
I know dude just getting frustrating.

This sort of thing always happens...server, lots of mods, Just have to deal with it....mods are never 100%...these guys are pretty on it, sure they'll come up with something but it aint ever gonna be 100%. Enjoy it and don't worry about it mate.
Although I feel to stick my gun up your arse I will engage you in a civil conversation  :p

I totally agree with you but when you get idiots RDMing and VDMing (our personal encounter/issues aside although this is still I believe is up for debate)  ;)

Not being able to earn money to replenish supplies get vehicle etc.....  is making it had to play the game. Getting fully kitted out as you well know costs a lot of money, if you have to do this a few times a week without growing your capital because you're unable to save said capital then playing the game at a decent level becomes impossible.

All I'm asking like your mate Reverend so eloquently put "can we get our shit back"  :lol: If not fair enough just let us know that.

look in this post :)
Thanks for the link dude I am aware of that Topic and how hard the guys behind the scenes are working and I have said as much to TinyBigJacko lets hope it will get resolved soon enough.

I think that to be honest, the lack of saving is half the reason you're seeing people doing VDM / RDM... Knowing that it is a waste of time doing an hour of coke runs as it will not save anyway... Which is a real shame to be honest. 

I like the banter in the game and flying around and stuff. I've never actually shot or intentionally ran over a single player. (I've crashed with peeps in my chopper and run over 'tards in the way though! 

But the gear not updating thing is going to cause folks to either not return to the server or find other forms of entertainment as it makes it feel like there are no consequences. - Right now, I seem to default back to my gear and cash as it was on Weds / Thurs. The DB seems to ignore the fact I've picked up / made cash, bought licences and spunked money on vehicles. It is confused. 

But being admin / a dev is hard damned work. So I get it. 

Peace and love, biatches. 

My team has noticed that if you actually sync multiple times and wait a while before actually disconnecting, there is a good chance you will save your stuff. Indeed, we did a couple of money runs yesterday and, when we were done (about 30mins before the restart) we synced very very often and waited the whole 30mins before logging out. Stuff still there luckily! 

Disclaimer: This worked most of the time, but not always.

I only ever sync once, wait about 30 seconds then log out. Never have issues.

I think that to be honest, the lack of saving is half the reason you're seeing people doing VDM / RDM... Knowing that it is a waste of time doing an hour of coke runs as it will not save anyway... Which is a real shame to be honest. 

I like the banter in the game and flying around and stuff. I've never actually shot or intentionally ran over a single player. (I've crashed with peeps in my chopper and run over 'tards in the way though! 

But the gear not updating thing is going to cause folks to either not return to the server or find other forms of entertainment as it makes it feel like there are no consequences. - Right now, I seem to default back to my gear and cash as it was on Weds / Thurs. The DB seems to ignore the fact I've picked up / made cash, bought licences and spunked money on vehicles. It is confused. 

But being admin / a dev is hard damned work. So I get it. 

Peace and love, biatches. 
My thoughts exactly Rev, and I to do like the banter too; although I kinda lost my Rag with your self proclaimed lord yesterday as a bi-product of not being able to save gear and earn money, my bad I guess although I'm still gonna let LS & FFG taste the barrel of my gun via their rectal cavity  :p

As I said before I don't envy the admin/dev especially with ppl like me bitching and moaning  :D

My team has noticed that if you actually sync multiple times and wait a while before actually disconnecting, there is a good chance you will save your stuff. Indeed, we did a couple of money runs yesterday and, when we were done (about 30mins before the restart) we synced very very often and waited the whole 30mins before logging out. Stuff still there luckily! 

Disclaimer: This worked most of the time, but not always.
Thanks for the heads up RazoR. I'll give that a try whilst observing you're disclaimer, I promise not to hold you entirely responsible  :rolleyes:

I only ever sync once, wait about 30 seconds then log out. Never have issues.
Jay dude same here never had a problem up until Thursday!!!

This is being looked into - Please remain patient while the issue and a fix is found.

Believe this is now fixed - or at least severely mitigated.

Problem (I'm 99% sure) turned out to be the stock Altis-Life database queue management routine. It was able to accept new items from the game code, for sending to the database, quicker than it could ever hope to actually SEND those items to the database, when under large levels of load.

Tweaked (substantially) and data-core rewritten to work asynchronously. Database queue manager now able to write out multiple queued items at a time, rather than only one. So far, testing shows that all queued items have made it to the database within a few seconds, even under full server load conditions.

There may still be occasions when sync instructions are never received from the player's local game-client, by the server, but that's another animal entirely. This seems to only affect players on dodgy internet connections or who have low-spec PC's that can't handle the netcode sufficiently fast.

Update me if this is still happening routinely.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Yeah seems to be fine now Ed nice one much appreciated, I know it’s been a lot of hard work on your part so thank you on behalf of everyone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]One very small miner gripe, :rolleyes: [/SIZE] it seems if you stash weapons in a rucksack because you're i.e. following city rules etc... And happen to sync data then log off, upon login back in (not sure what the time frame is for this if any) all attachments for the guns be it primary or secondary disappear is this a known issue? I do believe it can be avoided (again I'd have to test this theory) if you leave the guns in there dedicated inventory spaces not by any means a demanding work around just wondering if it’s a server issue or an arma one.

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Thanks Ed  :) [/SIZE]

Thanks Snipes.

The past history with gear-saving is 'sketchy'... It was apparently never included in Tonic's original codebase (at least, not automatic saves, for sure). These were added by my predecessors on this server, from a community script that was published elsewhere. This also enabled some 'Arma3' items to be saved, more than previously, but by no means everything. There are, apparently, some issues with certain object-types being stored in backpacks.

It all boils down to the fact that Arma3 regards certain object types as very different classes - but many of them can be placed in similar slots in the inventory. For example, guns are (obviously) weapons - but the script expects them to be in a player's hand, not his backpack; backpacks instead contain (usually) magazines, and items. Some items can be 'attached' to the player sometimes (GPS, watch, map, compass), while others can't. Magazines are fitted into weapons (usually) but can also be carried as pseudo-items. Backpack contents are held in a different array than vest contents and uniform contents.

In a nutshell, the scripts didn't code for every permutation of every place you could store a bit of kit, so sometimes, if you hit one of those wrong places, the item won't get saved into the database.

One of the jobs on my list is to resolve this, with an entirely new save-gear script, which saves *everything* unless you die (in which case you lose the lot). I'm almost done. We are having one or two 'theoretical conundrums' with it, though... what if someone steals a weapon from a glitched cop-corpse that doesn't disappear when it should? Or picks up an item that has been spawned into the game-world by a hacker, such as a grenade or a rocket-launcher? If we save these, then we'll have problems later - so there is yet another layer of 'sanity-checking' and 'whitelisting' that I'll need to set up to make this reliable and safe.

One thing to expect from it though, is that the Y-menu items should also be saved. Not unprocessed or processed drugs (because then people could just respawn nearer the dealers or processors and save themselves the risk of a journey), but things like meat, water, pickaxes, etc, seem harmless enough to allow to survive a server restart or disconnection.

Watch this space...

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I'm getting really tired of this now. 

Synced all my data a good 20 minutes before tonight's 12am reboot. I've logged back in and the money in my pocket has gone plus all my gear probably 80k +

That's 3 time in a row 500K plus give or take.

Its eroding my capital because earning money is pointless, It's starting to get really tedious.

I really want to become a tier 3 donator but as things stand I'm thinking what is the point?

I wouldn't mind but we don't even seem to be getting reimbursed.

Chuck as a bone please gents?

I understand or rather I can only begin to try to understand how hard it must be fine tooth combing scripts and coding to resolve this issue, but at least help us out with what we are losing if that's possible I hasten to add.

If its not then please clarify this to save us bitching and moaning  ;)
This is legit software and i used it before on another altis server to fix the exact same issue, and it was about package loss with my ISP and that specific server.. the only one i couldn't save.

I used Private Tunnal program, i think you can use a trial and check it out if it works for you.

Run it, pick a proxy server, and try to log in, do some stuff save and relog.

Let me know what happened.

Thanks Snipes.

The past history with gear-saving is 'sketchy'... It was apparently never included in Tonic's original codebase (at least, not automatic saves, for sure). These were added by my predecessors on this server, from a community script that was published elsewhere. This also enabled some 'Arma3' items to be saved, more than previously, but by no means everything. There are, apparently, some issues with certain object-types being stored in backpacks.

It all boils down to the fact that Arma3 regards certain object types as very different classes - but many of them can be placed in similar slots in the inventory. For example, guns are (obviously) weapons - but the script expects them to be in a player's hand, not his backpack; backpacks instead contain (usually) magazines, and items. Some items can be 'attached' to the player sometimes (GPS, watch, map, compass), while others can't. Magazines are fitted into weapons (usually) but can also be carried as pseudo-items. Backpack contents are held in a different array than vest contents and uniform contents.

In a nutshell, the scripts didn't code for every permutation of every place you could store a bit of kit, so sometimes, if you hit one of those wrong places, the item won't get saved into the database.

One of the jobs on my list is to resolve this, with an entirely new save-gear script, which saves *everything* unless you die (in which case you lose the lot). I'm almost done. We are having one or two 'theoretical conundrums' with it, though... what if someone steals a weapon from a glitched cop-corpse that doesn't disappear when it should? Or picks up an item that has been spawned into the game-world by a hacker, such as a grenade or a rocket-launcher? If we save these, then we'll have problems later - so there is yet another layer of 'sanity-checking' and 'whitelisting' that I'll need to set up to make this reliable and safe.

One thing to expect from it though, is that the Y-menu items should also be saved. Not unprocessed or processed drugs (because then people could just respawn nearer the dealers or processors and save themselves the risk of a journey), but things like meat, water, pickaxes, etc, seem harmless enough to allow to survive a server restart or disconnection.

Watch this space...
Again Ed thanks.

Like I said not a major issue at all. Thanks for the insight into the world of a Dev it always leaves me the feeling I should shut up and put up and be greatful lawl  :D  Just thought I'd bring it to your attention. If you require any testers please don't hesitate to give me a shout I'd be happy to help out where ever I can. 

This is legit software and i used it before on another altis server to fix the exact same issue, and it was about package loss with my ISP and that specific server.. the only one i couldn't save.

I used Private Tunnal program, i think you can use a trial and check it out if it works for you.

Run it, pick a proxy server, and try to log in, do some stuff save and relog.

Let me know what happened.
Thanks for the tip Vincent I'll give that a try much appreciated  ;)
