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Admins and Rebel Factions...


Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
A cellar with Mocktage content
Now before I begin with this question, I'd like to state that I don't think there is anything wrong with Admins being in rebel gangs. If you are an admin and you don't particularly fancy a life in the whitelisted factions, then I think it's perfectly acceptable to be a rebel. But where I begin to lose understanding is what happens when a rebel group (that has an admin as a member) is involved in a potential rule break in which they are in the wrong. Does biasty become an issue? Let's say you have a high level staff member who is involved in a gang that frequently breaks rules. Being a member, he may want to stick up for his gang mates, so may make excuses as to why they did what they did. Basically my question is: How is biasty avoided when high ranking staff members are involved? Do multiple admins analyse the evidence? Or is it left to the one admin who may wave the rules for his gang mates? 

Reports against staff are always dealt with by staff leads.

Previously I've seen staff stripped of staff roles and even banned from the community. No matter who you are if you break roles here you will be dealt with.

Admins are not above the law. They follow like all others and are just as vulnerable to rule breaks as others. 

Staff Leads and above deal with all reports against staff memebers to ensure the ruling is fair and dealt with properly.

History speaks for itself with members of the staff team being removed for staff abuse, being involved in gang blanket bans (1.6) and other various rule breaks. Someone may seem to be attached to a group because they are friends and play with them but have enough trust that they’ve been given a staff role to conduct themselves properly.

Basically there is a rule in place (staff rule that is) that staff don't deal with situations they are involved with. For instance a report between two factions (say Police member is reporting a Poseidon member) we try to get a rebel admin to deal with it to avoid any claims of bias. Staff members who are reported are dealt with by leads.

Mind you we have had a lot of groups with staff members in them who got in trouble, not just gangs but also departments in factions (i.e. AR). I hope this answers your questions, Jolly.

Should you have issues with a staff member where you fear they are biased then you can talk to one of the Staff Leads (Aiden, Drew, Matt and Stavik).

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How is biasty avoided when high ranking staff members are involved?
Being in a rebel gang will result you actually getting to know someone and become friends with them. Some biasty would arise regardless of what faction or gang you are in. It's your place for fun and you want to protect that. But the Leads and Management have comeplete and full trust in the fact that if people enjoy being in the staff team, they will also abide by the rules. The rules are for everyone and we are not above them in ANY WAY.

Biasty is simply  avoided by our own staff rules. If this is not followed, well as Saul said, history speaks for itself.

Do multiple admins analyse the evidence?
If its a report a player, other staff members may view and form their own opinion, but at the end of the day, it is up to the Staff Leads, or even Management. This decision will be dealt with strictly and ina  very fair manner. It would be the same if the "complaint" came to the staff leads via TS/forum or even Dicord. Everything would be taken into account.

Or is it left to the one admin who may wave the rules for his gang mates? 
If a staff member is deliberately doing that, well... History speaks for itself.

If you got any other questions or something hit us up on Discord, TS or on the forum. We'll be more than happy to answer the questions.
And as @Nalurah wonderfully put it, any problems with a staff team member in terms of being biased or any other issue, contact us the leads and we'll help you out!
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