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Admin said he would unban me still banned.

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I think it may be an administration error as you originally stated you were "baaned".

Had you simply been "banned", you'd have been back in Altis within the hour. 

PS: Don't let your evil twin near your gaming rig in the future.

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MC Ban Hammer says "You can't touch this."

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What I like most of all in this thread, is the contrition and sheer humility shown by the perpetrator (or the brother thereof, which is as good as, imho).

/sarcasm mode off

Who, what, where, when?


Oh hang on, this is you here, isn't it?


I very much doubt you 'spoke' with an admin and got paroled, but I remain to be convinced.

So, as above... who was it, what did he say, where's the thread, and when was this done.

You're really not helping any tissue-paper thin case that you might have, by making people run around trying to work out who the f*** you are, and what the backstory is. Do some work yourself.

his name is wilco You asked me to contact you when im trying to connect

Sent 25 April 2014 - 02:59 PM


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Whats your ingame name 

Sent 25 April 2014 - 02:59 PM


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Samual Reed 

Sent 25 April 2014 - 02:59 PM


i changed it

Sent 25 April 2014 - 03:02 PM


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Sent 25 April 2014 - 03:04 PM


its still saying im banned could you please unban the user harry

This is painful. Taking too long. I am hovering over the 'I don't care what Wilco said, you're a pain in the ass' button...

You have one last chance to PM *me* your BattlEye GUID, IP address and CORRECT in-game name. Do it immediately. If I've not received it by midnight 14th May, game over. If you send me your ARMA3 player-id instead of your BattlEye GUID, game over. Google for it if you don't know what I'm referring to.

Clock is ticking...

Missing, presumed dead. Ban stays.

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