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Add a tebex store


Well-known member
Grove Gas
May be an unpopular opinion.

Most other popular servers do it to buy cars, apartments, car clean kits, private plates etc...

Use the money as a monetary incentive to get more devs to come to the server.

More devs = more content - especially since the crim update was nerfed.

Could do the server loads of good in my eyes.
i mean like 2 buisness will change your numberplate allready
Ah right fair enough, And its from my understanding that it is very expensive I think I remember hearing someone paying like 1 mil for one, Seems that if you could just buy it with real money through a tebex store would kinda just be a slap in the face to those who have grinded in RP for it and ya know.
You can already get your numberplates changed in RP If I'm not mistaken
Ok... God forbid they change something :eek:

In the last few months I've seen a number of new people join the server, people who are hopping server to server to find one to settle on and them moan about how outdated the current UI is, how there are very few jobs do (worth doing) starting out and how the circle number game is used on everything you do. These are the future players of the server not staying because new servers have newer UI and more to do because they invest money into them. The more time that goes by without serious development the further behind we fall to other servers and its only a 1 way street.

Don't get me wrong I'm well aware there is a deep level the development goes into however this is something new players wont experience for a while after joining a server, even now the options for money are Trucking, Taxis, food delivery or Coke. First impressions matter.

But no if people would rather players don't invest in cosmetics or assets that make no difference to the server, so nothing changes then sound.
Ok... God forbid they change something :eek:

In the last few months I've seen a number of new people join the server, people who are hopping server to server to find one to settle on and them moan about how outdated the current UI is, how there are very few jobs do (worth doing) starting out and how the circle number game is used on everything you do. These are the future players of the server not staying because new servers have newer UI and more to do because they invest money into them. The more time that goes by without serious development the further behind we fall to other servers and its only a 1 way street.

Don't get me wrong I'm well aware there is a deep level the development goes into however this is something new players wont experience for a while after joining a server, even now the options for money are Trucking, Taxis, food delivery or Coke. First impressions matter.

But no if people would rather players don't invest in cosmetics or assets that make no difference to the server, so nothing changes then sound.
I think you missed my point, Its nothing to do with newer people, People don't join the server and go "Oh no! I cant spend my real money to buy a custom plate! SERVER BAD WAHHH" Its a case of enabling people to spend real money on something like a number plate just gets rid of the point of having anyone be able to sell a custom plate cause you could go and buy it online, That removes the RP of going to buy one, All that does is remove possible RP, no need to have a conversation with anyone about how to get a custom plate just go to the tebex store!

Also Idk about you but I like the UI, Its way better then what we used to have back in the day, Yeah sure the number game probably doesn't need to be on everything but I don't think I've seen a suggestion to have it changed? If no one brings it up to the devs/staff on the forums chances are they are not gonna really look into changing it.

"First impressions matter" They do indeed, and when I join other servers and I see a link to a Tebex store I click off cause I know its gonna be filled to the brim of Ego inflated children and lets be honest we have enough of those already.
Its a case of enabling people to spend real money on something like a number plate just gets rid of the point of having anyone be able to sell a custom plate cause you could go and buy it online
It's all a game of opinions, personally I put the development and future of the server is more important than something which clearly isn't that common if people are spending £1mil on it, however something like £5 a hell of a lot more people would, and that adds up.

And this isn't just about Number Plates that is just a overused example in this thread, it can be anything that doesn't provide any advantage.

Also Idk about you but I like the UI, Its way better then what we used to have back in the day
Look i'm not here to slander anyone, and with my experience UI creating isn't something I ventured in that much so I would't be able to produce better myself. However its not a surprise that when compared to many other servers similar to ours or even much newer the use of bought scripts can make a server feel 100x better.

when I join other servers and I see a link to a Tebex store I click off cause I know its gonna be filled to the brim of Ego inflated children
I said it before, many servers take this too far, X amount for unbans even X amount for staff but come on, you know this could easily be implemented in a professional way, and adding a couple of items that proves no advantage the player is hardly going to inflate egos. The community of servers comes down to those who manage it and we aren't run by children. We aren't suddenly going to be overrun by egotistical children because we create a Tebex store...

Look we all play the server for the same reason to enjoy it but when it comes to it someone is flipping the bill each month. People work hard to keep this server running and moving forward, giving them the ability to benefit from this work is hardly the worst thing.

It's not something worth going back and forth on, people have their opinions and a few forum messages aren't going to change that but the facts of it is the server needs money to operate and this is one of the few ways to contribute.
I fully understand the need for more development to effectively stay in the race with other servers but i do feel tebex is like selling the servers soul XD its a slippery slope and one wrong addition could massively affect the servers balance, completely destroy a business as you can now donate to get the item that business sells, bring in the wrong kind of players that have alot of disposable income and just want easy gear or items over rping and actually grinding to get them and much like pest said instantly when i see a server has a tebex store it gives off an instant negative feeling towards the server.

But no if people would rather players don't invest in cosmetics or assets that make no difference to the server, so nothing changes then sound.
the issue is with how rpuk is setup theres very little that isnt relied upon by atleast one group, person or business, making it accessible to people via irl money is taking a way to earn money ingame via businesses, a profession or a goal from someone and putting it behind irl money if anything removing more jobs from the city. The few things that cosmetic wise could be added would be, i feel very miniscule to the point where the goal of giving people an incentive to donate is lost as in reality the whole appeal of tebex is people are insentivised to donate because it gives them a headstart or a shortcut or gives them something special instead of them having to actually rp and work for it.
It's all a game of opinions, personally I put the development and future of the server is more important than something which clearly isn't that common if people are spending £1mil on it, however something like £5 a hell of a lot more people would, and that adds up.

And this isn't just about Number Plates that is just a overused example in this thread, it can be anything that doesn't provide any advantage.

Look i'm not here to slander anyone, and with my experience UI creating isn't something I ventured in that much so I would't be able to produce better myself. However its not a surprise that when compared to many other servers similar to ours or even much newer the use of bought scripts can make a server feel 100x better.

I said it before, many servers take this too far, X amount for unbans even X amount for staff but come on, you know this could easily be implemented in a professional way, and adding a couple of items that proves no advantage the player is hardly going to inflate egos. The community of servers comes down to those who manage it and we aren't run by children. We aren't suddenly going to be overrun by egotistical children because we create a Tebex store...

Look we all play the server for the same reason to enjoy it but when it comes to it someone is flipping the bill each month. People work hard to keep this server running and moving forward, giving them the ability to benefit from this work is hardly the worst thing.

It's not something worth going back and forth on, people have their opinions and a few forum messages aren't going to change that but the facts of it is the server needs money to operate and this is one of the few ways to contribute.
I see your points and fair enough I do agree to some extent, I just personally hope that if it DOES get added and its only really small things it doesn't remove aspects in the server such as buying plates in game cause people do really grind to get those kinds of things and I just feel like it would be a slap in the face to those who spent those hours making money however they made it.

Also on top of that we've seen the insane market for cars that keep going up from month to month, cars that were worth 300k back in the day now going for like 800k, I feel like that will go up an extra like 200k because "Maxed with Custom Plate" people will probably want more in game cash when selling cars because they spent 5 quid for their own plate, Also there's the possibility of people just buying lots and lots of custom plates for 5 quid a pop and then selling those cars at a stupid price in game because it has a custom plate. Obviously we don't now for certain if that would happen but I could for sure see it happening.

I do see your points overall though as it could possibly help via development, and also I have no idea how to make UI's or stuff like that so I have no idea how hard it is in general, I do like the UI but could be cool to see a more...Modern look to it (I have no idea what that means but yeah) Could be nice to have something FRESH 🥶🥶🥶🥶
the issue is with how rpuk is setup theres very little that isnt relied upon by atleast one group, person or business, making it accessible to people via irl money is taking a way to earn money ingame via businesses, a profession or a goal from someone and putting it behind irl money if anything removing more jobs from the city. The few things that cosmetic wise could be added would be, i feel very miniscule to the point where the goal of giving people an incentive to donate is lost as in reality the whole appeal of tebex is people are insentivised to donate because it gives them a headstart or a shortcut or gives them something special instead of them having to actually rp and work for it.
There are so many thing that could be done with this doesn't have to be something already provided ingame... even then people, business and gangs gain and lose things all the time its hardly a new concept, its what keeps a server fresh.

What might be minuscule to you might no be to others. Gangs all have unique styles and colors however are somewhat limited to the same outfits with a different color. If they could have new clothing added i'm sure they would. Nobody wants to be dressed the same as their rivals.

Also there's the possibility of people just buying lots and lots of custom plates for 5 quid
As Phoenix said, i'm sure @TinyBigJacko wouldn't mind that.

On a serious note, nothing is added without serious discussion. Limits can me put in place eg. 1-2 per person. Plates belong to the person and can be moved to new car not sold with. Most people are going to personalize their plates to themselves and put on cars with meaning anyway. I'm sure you would't pay more for a car because its plate was "M D3LTA".

But really want to push this isn't limited to number plates, can be literally anything that doesn't provide an advantage.
nvm had a major brain fart

There are so many thing that could be done with this doesn't have to be something already provided ingame... even then people, business and gangs gain and lose things all the time its hardly a new concept, its what keeps a server fresh.

What might be minuscule to you might no be to others. Gangs all have unique styles and colors however are somewhat limited to the same outfits with a different color. If they could have new clothing added i'm sure they would. Nobody wants to be dressed the same as their rivals.

As Phoenix said, i'm sure @TinyBigJacko wouldn't mind that.

On a serious note, nothing is added without serious discussion. Limits can me put in place eg. 1-2 per person. Plates belong to the person and can be moved to new car not sold with. Most people are going to personalize their plates to themselves and put on cars with meaning anyway. I'm sure you would't pay more for a car because its plate was "M D3LTA".

But really want to push this isn't limited to number plates, can be literally anything that doesn't provide an advantage.
Tbf clothing is actually a aquward one for server recourses, to add in the ability of having many many custom clothing peices the server would need more recourse use and thus increase the monthly upkeep of the server, pretty much the reason when gangs got new clothes most of the old ones they had got removed, it's the same with the new G6 uniform, after a while the old stuff will go to free space, also had it back when I was in TFA we talked about changes to the kuttes but shadowdirector mentioned that we only have so much allowance to work with so we couldn't just have say another 8 options added into the mix

I think it's why for custom clothing groups have to work so hard to get it approved instead of just going sure give us a moment, and there's plenty of buisness that don't have custom uniform
Yes but the cost of the additional clothing covers that cost ;)

Just going to put this here...
View attachment 34717
Only works tho if they are paying a monthly fee to keep the use of the clothing, if 500 people pay 1 time for custom stuff then a few months down the line your back at square one

Tho I'd also feel sorry for the poor dev who now has to also scour the internet to make sure there's not copyright infringement
Yes but the cost of the additional clothing covers that cost ;)

Just going to put this here...
View attachment 34717

Jk but seriously after the chat we had I'm happy to see that in the long run could be very beneficial to the server and could not only make the server more stable but also could bring more money in to where we could get bigger and BETTER scrips and maybe a cool fresher looking UI

+1 (Although I'll keep my first message on cause it was funny)
if 500 people pay 1 time for custom stuff then a few months down the line your back at square one
I'm not her to advertise but a quick search can take you to places upwards of £50 for custom outfits, don't get me wrong this is high but people are paying it. Its not unheard of for communities smaller than outs to make serious money from similar ventures.

Even if you wanted to throw that as a issue custom phone numbers or name change are yet more things that could be used that don't affect anyone's time on the server.

PS you should take after Pest, Im sure TBJ would thank you :)

PS2.0 My rant is over, i'm going to bed.
I'm not her to advertise but a quick search can take you to places upwards of £50 for custom outfits, don't get me wrong this is high but people are paying it. Its not unheard of for communities smaller than outs to make serious money from similar ventures.

PS you should take after Pest, Im sure TBJ would thank you :)
I would have to look it up but I have a feeling it might even be against the cfx/fiveM tos to try to make money off your server like I say not 100%

Also I'm sure he was pleasantly happy with my £1000 donation last year where I wasent expecting anything in return...
I would have to look it up but I have a feeling it might even be against the cfx/fiveM tos to try to make money off your server like I say not 100%
Name a big server that doesn’t, NoPixel (Not advertising its shit play RPUK) does it, they are the biggest out there.

Plus it’s only the same as our donations just incentivising it.

Also I'm sure he was pleasantly happy with my £1000 donation last year
Name a big server that doesn’t, NoPixel (Not advertising its shit play RPUK) does it, they are the biggest out there.
Using their platform will count as ‘built-in commerce functionality’ as described in the FiveM Platform Service Agreement, commonly known in our community as “ToS” 419. So yes, ‘profit’ is allowed. We know that many of you have been waiting a long time for a “legal” and, most importantly, safe way to monetize aspects of your server(s) and we have been listening.

However, we might instill additional terms to disallow purchasing of Rockstar game content (built-in DLC vehicles, etc.) and mandate tracking of earned vs. purchased virtual currency in order to prevent purchased virtual currency from being used to violate any party’s copyright, including Rockstar’s. If you have any questions, please let us know. We will update you by the time Checkout functionality goes live.
Thats the main rules regarding profiting

Oh and you have to use TEBEX who already take 35% and I think they would have to remove normal donations from here. Thus all donations they currently get will also be 35% less
Though what I would do to donate for a cowskin UNMC outfit on FiveM
Oh and you have to use TEBEX who already take 35% and I think they would have to remove normal donations from here. Thus all donations they currently get will also be 35% less
The 35% is a good point, however, I have never donated to the server, i would however buy mulitple car wax kits, private plates, a custom phone number, a grove gas uniform, the ability to stream youtube videos on the tv in my house etc..... None of which are game breaking, or would give me an unfair advantage. All of which will fund the development of the server going forward to hopefully re-energise it.
What RPUK does with excess donations whether that be buying scripts, assets or comping devs for hard work is completely up to them.
The donations are currently spent on server hosting, map subscriptions, forums license (and probably a few more things that I can't remember) and any excess money is kept as backup in-case people were to suddenly stop donating so the server wouldn't instantly shutdown. Regarding us devs I think most of us do have ways for people to donate to us individually if they wish however we don't really share the links much since we wouldn't want everyone donating to us then nobody helping towards the server costs.

Since I like to be transparent I will say tebex was already discussed internally last year and most of the ideas mentioned here were already discussed alongside some other things too (nothing that would give any in-game advantages of course) however nothing was confirmed and there was some concerns with a few things which I won't go into.