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Active Gunfight


Well-known member
So whats up with this term being used so much anymore. "Active Gunfight" for some reason it seems likes its being used as an excuse so that once the rounds start flying anyone is free game. Is it that hard to determine who is a threat and how many there are? Not stating names but Ive even had cops kill me when I was unarmed just cause it was an "Active Gunfight". Stating oh its and active gunfight and ur wearing rebel gear should not be an excuse to blow anyone you see away. Its just crummy when you have to spend 30 minutes of time regearing all because you walked into a area and tried to roleplay.

Of course if rounds are flying normal people run or get down. Its different when its a gun fight that consists of two sides just waiting for the other to peek, meaning it could be 3-4 minutes between shots

well, i understand your point of view, but it isnt the smartest thing to walk with your weapon out in a gunfight, i've you just walking around not been warned or what so ever and the kill you then it's rdm

Don't want to risk dying? Don't go near an active gunfight, or with a firearm. You can be perceived as a threat by anyone  if you have a weapon drawn. It's not an excuse to kill people but with common sense from all parties, it can be easy to distinguish threats and neutral parties. At the same time, collateral damage is a real thing. The best way to avoid it is to avoid the area that the shots are happening in.

Don't want to risk dying? Don't go near an active gunfight, or with a firearm. You can be perceived as a threat by anyone  if you have a weapon drawn. It's not an excuse to kill people but with common sense from all parties, it can be easy to distinguish threats and neutral parties. At the same time, collateral damage is a real thing. The best way to avoid it is to avoid the area that the shots are happening in.
sounds like the biggest grey area. what determines an active gunfight then cause just one example is one two days ago there were no rounds fired for 5 minutes and when I drove up I was sprayed immediately. Such a lazy way to cover RDM. I guess we just sit in kavala then and hope the trolls dont eat away at our humanity. There is a gunfight every 5 minutes on altis with that rate collateral damage needs to be kept in check. All im saying is Know who and What you are shooting at

well, i understand your point of view, but it isnt the smartest thing to walk with your weapon out in a gunfight, i've you just walking around not been warned or what so ever and the kill you then it's rdm
Exactly "Weapon out"

if you had no weapon visible(in hands or holstered) they have NO excuse of killing you because you don't represent a threat to them.

While I agree if you had no weapon out you shouldn't of been shot by any party; I also agree that common sense should prevail in terms of a gunfight why would you walk into it and try to RP? You should know that tension is high in a gunfight and people get jumpy, I'd just not get involved if I was you.

Also why don't you report those officers in the PCC rather than make a flippant statement slating "the police" with no evidence, you'd be doing right by the sever and the police by reporting poor initiation and RP by police rather than a little rant on the forum "mentioning no names". Just saying its a bit crummy!

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Guys i think he's stated multiple times now that he is talking about the kind of gunfights where both parties are playing defense and waiting for each other to peak, in these kind of situations it is sometimes impossible for outsiders to notice that there is an active firefight going on.

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I have had this discussion before,

1. If their s an active gunfight and you can hear them shooting, you decide to go their anyway, you are kind of doing it at your own risk, not a very clever thing to do.

2.If you go to an area that you did not know was an active gunfight ie you cant hear any shots and you walk up and get insta killed, which happenes more than you think, for the person that gets killed it seems like blatent RDM, and for the shooter its not due he doesnt know if you are with them or not, the preson thatgets killed should contact the shooter on TS to have a chat give them time for the current situation to be over, they should comp you what you lost as you was not involved.

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Guys i think he's stated multiple times now that he is talking about the kind of gunfights where both parties are playing defense and waiting for each other to peak, in these kind of situations it is sometimes impossible for outsiders to notice that there is an active firefight going on.
Thanks maybe I did not make that clear enough.

While I agree if you had no weapon out you shouldn't of been shot by any party; I also agree that common sense should prevail in terms of a gunfight why would you walk into it and try to RP? You should know that tension is high in a gunfight and people get jumpy, I'd just not get involved if I was you.

Also why don't you report those officers in the PCC rather than make a flippant statement slating "the police" with no evidence, you'd be doing right by the sever and the police by reporting poor initiation and RP by police rather than a little rant on the forum "mentioning no names". Just saying its a bit crummy!
Not everything has to be about the report or the comp. I generally like the officers and those who have done this to me and talked it out. And im sorry did I come off disrespectful or as you say Flippant. If I did my fault I was curious as to others opinions on the subject. Dont have to be so hostile I'm not bashing the police force or the rebel groups

I've lost count the amount of times I've died in a gunfight because I've been distracted by a hobo that I should otherwise have killed. Here's what usually happens. 

Some shots have been fired or a group of armed rebels have been spotted by a hobo. They go and investigate. They ask some questions and then get asked to leave the area. They don't leave the area after repeated warnings (at which point I just shoot them after 3 warnings because I've died too many times after being trolled by hobos trying to interfere). Most of the time, it just feels like people are trying to be a nuisance and have no interest in RP.

Obviously it's not an ideal solution and I'm yet to get any complaints from those I have killed in such situations (presumably because they knew they were being deliberately annoying) but you have to consider it from the shooters' position. 

Another thing to consider is we don't know whose side you're on. As far as we're concerned you could be a spotter and giving away our position.

I would say the best way to approach these situations is observe from a distance for a few minutes to get a better understanding of the situation and then if you feel it's safe, remove any doubt from the shooters' minds that you're a potential threat and proceed with caution.

Thanks maybe I did not make that clear enough.

Not everything has to be about the report or the comp. I generally like the officers and those who have done this to me and talked it out. And im sorry did I come off disrespectful or as you say Flippant. If I did my fault I was curious as to others opinions on the subject. Dont have to be so hostile I'm not bashing the police force or the rebel groups
Well it came across as a bit of a rant, sorry if I came across as hostile it just winds me up. I appreciate what your saying in essence; just the way you worded it came across as another anti-police post.
