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About new gathering system


Active member
Dear sir/madam                                                

I would like to know if you can revert it to the old one this one is not bad but i cant fill up my inventory properly and im earning less because of unable to fill trunk and backpack to the fullest please take this into consideration i like this server one the best imo  

Provide more details of why you cannot fill up your inventory properly

I have a feeling the dev team are going to want to work on fixing any issues with the new system they have spent time on rather than just revert to the old one 

So i was doing my diamond runs then i dont fill up to my usual 20 i always get 17 16 19 never twenty and now it took me about 1 hr 10 mins to do one run 550k dollars i understand they worked and they system seems amazing but also my processing time has increased by alot and like i dont play alot so this isnt that worth for me and this encourages people to camp shops and dealers even more than now i also wanted to add that i had to remove some uncut diamonds everytime to fill up especially at the end

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If we could have this system with drastically reduced gather times BUT with only 1 product per gathering action, you could more easily 'top out' your backpack

Personnaly I believe that if you are gonna destroy the gathering system atleast, you need to higher the price and proffession gain system

A way to fix this is to remove items until u can gather, for example if u hav 75 virtual inventory and currently hav 23 frogs legs in ur VI, remove 2 then u can gather 4, complety filling up ur VI, when you try to gath it does tell you that "you dont have enough space" for X items.

The new system is very smooth and I like it a lot. However, it is slower but that is the idea. You can still fill yourself up to the max very easily. You can just use the remove function in your inventory and get it to the minimum fill number and you will be full. the trunk of your vehicle can be done by double-clicking on the item you want to move.

The system has been tweaked last updated and I personally think it is pretty much there.  There are a few resources that could do with tweaking and they are the large backpack quantity items like Apples and Peaches. It takes you nearly 5 minutes to fill a bergan.. 

You have to remember that this is only its second week out and like everything new it has teething problems until it becomes balanced.  
